Thursday, January 2, 2020

Cubism, Orphism And Futurism Share A Common Language,...

The early 20th century in Europe was a time of rapid change. Modern art movements explored new ways of communicating this new modern condition – what is was like to live in an environment that was advancing and developing with incrediable speed . Dynamism became a means for the artists of the time to communicate what has been termed the modern condition. Cubism, Orphism and Futurism share a common language, Dynamism. Dynamism is a mechanism for communicating a sense of change or movement.. Artists also invested their own emotions of what they were experiencing through the use of dynamism. Viewers can understand that there was an excitement, anxiety and uncertainty associated with living this bustling, changing society. The movements reflected societies appreciation and interest in freedom of movement in art across Europe prior World War One. People were immensely excited by speed, technology and new forms of transport and communication. They all felt the world around them was begining to quickly change. The artists of the time employed dynamism in their works to express this rapid movement. Cubism responded to the world changing at a revoulutionary speed dynamically communicated through abstract art. Cubists disregarded traditonal ways of portraying a subject, and instead broke down the subject matter into scattered shapes and objects. According to Spain’s National Museum of Art, â€Å"Cubism demonstrated conclusively that the experience of moderity was bound to a dynamic and

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