Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Compensation of special groups: A Sports Sales Plan Essay

Of the above information, what is most important in your design of a sales incentive plan for the three sales staff? How does this information affect your plan design? In order to increase the sales there should be an analysis that will identify how to create a plan that will motivate employees to sale more premium tickets which are more expensive but it will bring an ultimate balance of maximizing profit based on the sales. If all premium seats are sold the bigger the incentive the sales representative will receive. Incentives also give the employee a more personal stake in the company’s mission; if the company excels the employee benefits. The information provided definitely affects the complexity of the plan design, the plan needs to be able to cover all employees’ efforts regardless of what department (sales or marketing) they are working in. In this case the success of one team could potentially benefit the other. If sales team fills the stadium ads team can sale m ore ads. Your book talks about unit rate plans, Which of these type of plan would you use for sales of tickets. Which plan might be appropriate for sales of advertising? Why? For this particular scenario the rate plan that seems to fit best will be a group plan, each group would need to adhere to a set standard or measure. All employees must understand how his performance affects the company’s goals and other teams that might not be so closed to their specific task assignment. If the sales team is not performing on selling tickets and the stadium continues to be empty this might cause the advertising team to have a harder time selling ads. On the other hand the advertising teams should have a base line of maximizing efforts based on their experience and customer relations. Ad revenue should bring equal or higher amount than ticket sales. Plan recommendation for sales team should  be as follow: Any Bleacher tickets sales will receive 2%. If achieve Premium tickets of 1,600 tickets or more would receive 5% incentive. If achieve Standard ticket sale of 7,000 tickets or more would receive 10% incentive, anything above 7,001 tickets would receive 15% incentive. Standard ticket average sales is higher than premium tickets, standard sells an average of 6,000 tickets = $54,000 vs. 1,500 tickets $18,000 sell for premium. It is recommended that the sales team increase the standard sales tickets since those are more appealing to the consumers to buy. What factors influence the dollar amount you can pay for increases in ticket sales? The incentive given to the sales team based on the increase of tickets sales. Based on the calculations they should put more effort into the sales of the standard tickets since those are the tickets that ultimately could generate more revenue. As far as the marketing team they should be able to increase ads sales based on the promise of the sales team to increase ticket sales and fill the stadium, they should utilize a best business practice and combine several ads packages to accommodate corporation to purchase more ads for longer terms.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Forecasting Monthly Sales Essay

Background For years The Glass Slipper restaurant has operated in a resort community near a popular ski area of New Mexico. The restaurant is busiest during the first 3 months of the year, when the ski slopes are crowded and tourists flock to the area. When James and Deena Weltee built The Glass Slipper, they had a vision of the ultimate dining experience. As the view of surrounding mountains was breathtaking, a high priority was placed on having large windows and providing a spectacular view from anywhere inside the restaurant. Special attention was also given to the lighting, colors, and overall ambiance, resulting in a truly magnificent experience for all who came to enjoy gourmet dining. Since its opening, The Glass Slipper has developed and maintained a reputation as one of the â€Å"must visit† places in that region of New Mexico. While James loves to ski and truly appreciates the mountains and all that they have to offer, he also shares Deena’s dream of retiring to a tropical paradise and enjoying a more relaxed lifestyle on the beach. After some careful analysis their financial condition, they knew that retirement was many years away. Nevertheless, they were hatching a plan to bring them closer to their dream. They decided to sell The Glass Slipper and open a bed and breakfast on a beautiful beach in Mexico. While this would mean that work was still in their future, they could wake up in the morning to the sight of the palm trees blowing in the wind and the waves lapping at the shore. They also knew that hiring the right manager would allow James and Deena the time to begin a semi-retirement in a corner of paradise. To make this happen, James and Deena would have to sell The Glass Slipper for the right price. The price of the business would be based on  the value of the property and equipment, as we ll as projections of future income. Problem Statement James and Deena are currently the owners of The Glass Slipper, a popular ski resort in New Mexico. Their dream is to retire and move to a more tropical location. While they understand that full retirement is not an option at this point, they are willing to sell The Glass Slipper and open a bed and breakfast on a Mexico beach which affords them a semi-retirement option for their near future plans. In order for them to have enough profit from the sale to complete their intended lifestyle transition, they are requiring the sale price to include property and equipment as well as future sales projections. Using data from the previous three years, a projection of the following year’s data will be made and evaluated. Data Monthly Revenue (In $1,000’s) Problems 1. Prepare a graph of the data. On this same graph, plot a 12-month moving average forecast. Discuss any apparent trend and seasonal patterns. The seasonal pattern shows that through the summer and fall there is reduced sales revenue that can be attributed to the lack of snow covering the resort area, but still being a location people like to visit. As the snow accumulation increases starting in late fall, sales begin to pick up and reach the maximum levels in the early part of the years during January. Sales remain high during this winter time frame until significant decreases in the spring through fall months. 2. Use regression to develop a trend line that could be used to forecast monthly sales for the next year. Is the slope of this line consistent with what you observed in question 1? If not, discuss a possible explanation. The trend line that could be used is Y = 330.889 – 1.162 * Time. The slope of this trend line is negative and not consistent with what was observed in question 1. Fluctuations in the seasonal indices, specifically January and  February, are affecting the unadjusted data and creating a negative slope trend. 3. Use the multiplicative decomposition model on these data. Use this model to forecast sales for each month of the next year. Discuss why the slope of the trend equation with this model is so different from that of the trend equation in question 2. Table 1.1 The sales forecast for the next year is shown in the Adjusted Forecast column of Table 1.1. Trend line data for the multiplicative decomposition model is Y = 294.524 + .86 * Time. The reason for the trend line difference from question 2 is that when you use the decomposition method, you are taking into account seasonal indices that are used in the computation to deseasonalize the data for a more accurate determination of predicted sales. Utilizing this model is more likely to produce a more accurate forecast for James and Deena in order to set their selling price.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Regional Imbalance Essay

India is a vast plural country, full of diversities of religions, castes,languages, tribes, cultures, etc. A number of cultural and linguistic groups are concentrated in certain territorial segments, to which they are attached, emotionally and historically. As has been said that during colonial rule the administration was interested in economic exploitation of the country and not in its development; it encouraged various divisions based on religion, region, caste and language and did not pursue any plan or strategy for a balanced development of the country. These resulted in regional imbalances,and group identities. Subsequently, the independent India saw the rise of regionalism, linguism, separatism, etc. In this chapter we will read about the background, causes and nature of these phenomena and possible ways out to check them. All these are related and interconnected. A region is a territory, the inhabitants of which have an emotional attachment to it because of commonality of religion,language, usages and customs, socioeconomic and political stages of development, common historical traditions, a common way of living, etc. Any one or more of these, and above all widely prevalent sentiments of togetherness, strengthen the bond. This territory can coincide with the boundaries of a State, parts of State or even with more than one State. A sense of discrimination or competition on economic, political or cultural grounds, desire for justice or favour gives rise to regionalism. Depending on reasons,and related nature, regionalism can be manifested in many ways like demand for autonomy or powers for State,creation of new State, protection of language or culture of the region or separation from the country. By regional disparities or imbalances is meant wide differences in per capita income, literacy rates, availability of health and education services, levels of industrialisation, etc. between different regions. As already mentioned, these regions may be either states or regions within a State. In this regard in India there are enormous imbalances on various accounts. The exploitative nature of British colonial rule either created or accentuated regional disparities. The planning in independent India has also not been ble to remove these. As is well known, the British colonial administration was primarily interested in selling their products in Indian markets and taking away raw materials from here. In some cases they were also interested in establishing some industries to invest their surplus capital and use cheap labour. Keeping these needs in view, they introduced Zamindari system in some regions to get maximum land revenue. In some regions they favoured peasant proprietary system a nd improvement of agriculture to create markets for their products. As such, in agriculture there came up significant variations both in production relations and level of production in different states and regions. The pattern of urbanisation was based on the strategy of exporting primary products and importing finished goods. This laid the foundation for the emergence of port towns as the major centers of urban-industrial activities. Therefore, the growth of trade nd commerce in colonial India meant the creation of jobs and educational opportunities at coastal centers like Bombay, Calcutta and Madras and some princely states’ capitals. This also led to the emergence of some consumer industries in these enclaves and hence to the development of a merchant capitalist class. This gave these regions a head start over others where the vast tracts of agriculture had lost their traditional handicrafts and other small scale non-agricultural activities in the face of competition from the high technology associated with the modern processes of industrialisation. Another factor in the uneven regional development was the growth of the education system. The British imperialists had linked India to Europe via trade relations and the coastal areas especially around the ports of Bombay,Calcutta and Madras. To man the establishments in these areas modern education was introduced. An educated professional class, mainly lower paid government and commercial clerks, grew up in these areas. These regions also threw up an elite group of lawyers and other professionals who were involved on both sides of the independence movement. On the eve of independence interstate and inter-district disparities were quite sharp and widening. There were differences in the levels of per capita income and consumption, literacy, medical and health facilities, natural resources, population growth, infrastructure development,employment opportunities etc. The independent India, thus, was burdened with the task of removing these disparities. The need for the removal of regional disparities was well recognised by the leaders of the independent India. The Constitution of India, has made it mandatory for the government at the Centre to appoint a Finance Commission once at least in every five years. It was to examine the problems arising out of the gaps between the needs for expenditure and the availability of revenue and other such matters. Accordingly, the balanced regional development had become the declared goal of the Central government and of its two principal agencies — the Planning Commission and the Finance Commission. One of the objectives of planning was to restore the balance between various areas and regions. However, these institutions were to work within overall socio-economic infrastructure of the country and the developing political process. As has already been mentioned that because of the strategic position of the ruling class and adopted model of development right from the beginning,the development has been drifting away from the desired goals. Moreover, to begin with planning was primarily restricted to the national level. Hardly any attention was paid to the problem of regional disparities and the few measures that were taken, were adopted to deal with specific problems faced by certain areas having natural calamities. Thus, the problem of regional development in a national context did not get adequate attention of the policy makers. Some of the already developed regions enjoyed the privilege to develop further at the cost of the backward regions which continued to stagnate. The Third Five-Year Plan devoted some attention to the problem of regional disparities. Some efforts were made to identify the backward regions. Fourth plan onward, planners have increasingly emphasised this objective. Deliberate policy measures are being taken to improve the levels of living of the people in regions identified as backward. However, in practice, in spite of the increasing awareness of these aspects, very little has been achieved. While industrially backward regions have been identified by India’s Planning Commission, no such attempt has yet been made as regards regions which can be deemed to be backward from the point of view of overall economic development. Actually, the main focus of regional policy during the Indian plans has been on the dispersal of industry among the different regions of India. But, in spite of various attempts for industrialisation, agriculture continues to be the most important economic activity from the point of view of output and employment in most of the States in India. And within the agricultural sector, because of emphasis on immediate increase in production,inter-state disparities in per capita agricultural production have been on the increase. It is well known that in agricultural development policy, the green revolution and its impact has been confined to relatively small areas. Thus, the disparities in socio-economic conditions of the people have beenincreasing both within and between different regions of the country. Existence and continuation of regional inequalities both among States and within States create the feeling of neglect, deprivation and of discrimination. In a country which is multi ethnic and multi religious, with groups concentrated in states or regions, these disparities also become cause of social conflicts leading to political and administrative problems. In any case regional imbalances are a major cause of regionalism in India in many ways. The movements for creation of separate States in Jharkhand area of Bihar and West Bengal, Uttaranchal and Chattisgarh in Uttar Pradesh andMadhya Pradesh were because of underdevelopment of these regions in those States and a feeling of deprivation and exploitation among people. Finally,these areas were constituted as separate States in 2001. Similar movements are going on in Telengana region of Andhra Pradesh, Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, Darjeeling region of West Bengal and in some other regions. Apart from sense of deprivation in the neglected States or regions there also are grievances due to sectoral imbalances in States like lack of industrial development along with agricultural development. Because ofthis, on the one hand there have developed interests, particularly in rural areas of developed States, and on the other sectoral conflicts. Both these are encouraging regionalism in developed States. For example, in areas where Green Revolution was introduced and has been successful, thenew rich farmers class has become economically and politically important. They are now interested in perpetuating the concessions and facilities which were given to them. In spite of agriculture having become quite profitable they want subsidies to continue and income not to betaxed. These rich farmers in such States provide major social basis of regional parties. Another aspect of imbalanced development is that because of development only in limited areas, the work force from other States and areas, keep on fighting and winning transitions. Focus is on regional development and not on equivocal or equi-sectoral development. This leads to a major imbalance within a country’s economy and across state-wise economies.

The Holocaust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

The Holocaust - Essay Example The horrific actions of the Third Reich are well documented. The end result of the Nazi’s evil ideologies included the occupation of most European nations and the ‘final solution,’ the annihilation of over six million Jews (Dawidowicz, 1986: 3). Throughout history, many nations have conquered others for various reasons while oppressing its people but why were a particular race of people systematically killed? How could such a fervent hatred of Jews infect an entire national conscience causing such unconscionable acts to be perpetrated? In spite of popular opinion, it didn’t happen because the people of Germany fell into a hypnotic trance and all of a sudden felt compelled to murder innocents simply from hearing Hitler’s speeches.Many citizens of Germany were unaware of the Concentration Camps, including the residents of the towns where the camps were located. The executions were carried out by the German army with SS troops in charge of the operation s. The unknowing German people and the most fervent of Nazi’s did have a nationalistic idealism in common, however, which was the underlying reason for the extermination of the Jewish race. This common idealism was developed from the culmination of centuries of German cultural bonding through the ideas of Volkism, with roots that had begun the century before.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Personal Organisational Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Personal Organisational Development - Essay Example However, the country currently induces foreign investors in its economy, which has led significant growth. Currently, the country’s economic prospects ranges at 78% for the service sector, and a reserve valued at ?250 billion (Great Britain, 2012, p, 57). These advantages translate into increased balance of payment for the country. Further, it is economically sound to rate UK as one of the best countries to secure employment opportunities due to its broad spectrum of industries. Through the establishment of the Keynesian theory towards an evaluation of the UK economy, it is evident that the UK economy holds diverse employment opportunities to graduates. The theoretical approach stipulates that, during the short run and long run periods, productivity of the economy will shape up to conform with the desired increase in investment thus propelling the growth of opportunities. The implementation of the theory in transforming the economy is vital since it declares that supply may re main constant during an increase in the level of demand for employment opportunities. Therefore, the constant supply of labour force from graduates will lead to an increase in its demand, which consequently results to high salary offers, decreased unemployment levels reduced rate of inflation (Yaeger and Sorensen, 2009, p, 114). Despite the economic crisis witnessed in the previous period, UK’s investment growth and the constant maintenance in population translates to unlimited opportunities for graduates from different careers. Finance companies in the UK seem to be engaging on continued promotion of their services while neglecting the fact that the sector suffers broadly from crises. It is evident that the corporations derive challenges from the increased number of unpaid loans while the employee population, demand for salary increment to match the escalating costs of living. The corporations admit that the prospective employees who qualify after the recruitment should be k nowledgeable of the past financial performances. Since the year 2005, the economy of UK witnessed a slight increase in the rate of unemployment at a level of 7.3% with a 1.3% emanating from the financial sector. Arguably, the country’s wealth of diverse investments helped it to recover from the GDP deficit rated at 1.2% in the unemployment levels. Predictions of a continuous rate of reduced unemployment among the citizens seemed ill to the extent that the economy realized a high of 7.8% and a low of 7.3% in 2008-2012. Analyses depict that the concurrent changes in the employment sector of the economy are implicit on the exchange rates of the GBP. Anticipations of the UK financial sector as presumed by economic advisers are that the country would recover the employment rates and eradicate unemployment through implementation of foreign policies. For example, they derived an understanding that the country’s reserves were instrumental in reshaping the employment levels thr ough an increase in funding and reducing the sovereign debt. This implicates on increased advantage of exchange rates over other foreign currencies for example, the American dollar. They implied that the foreign exchange advantage would lead to an increase in the GDP and per capita incomes (Duckworth andTummons, 2010, p, 42). This would implicate at immediate increased employment rates. However, the increase in the debts that befell the finance industry

Saturday, July 27, 2019

(Economics major) The factors that influences our current gasoline Essay

(Economics major) The factors that influences our current gasoline price. ( crude oil, tax, etc..) - Essay Example To further explain, the following component and circumstance are explained on how they affect the price of petrol. Factors That Influences our Current Gasoline Price 1. Crude Oil Of all the factors that influenced the cost of gasoline, the cost of crude oil is the single most significant factor that influences our current gasoline price. It accounts up to 55 % of the total gasoline price. The cost of crude changes over time and varies among different regions of the country and the world. Crude oil cost, just like any commodity in the market is also determined by the law of supply and demand. As the law states, when supply cannot keep up with the demand, the price will naturally go up. This is also the case of crude oil where demand is perpetual while supply can be precarious due to a lot of factors. The price of gasoline is influenced by both the demand and the supply side. On the demand side, it is us consumers who determines it according to our consumption of energy and also genera lly the world’s economic growth or downturn. This happens when there is an economic growth where demand for energy increases and that means that the requirement for fuel will also naturally increases and that will translate for higher prices in crude. ... OPEC exerts a significant influence on the price of crude because its member countries constitute 43 % of the world’s crude supply in 2010. That is more than half of the world’s requirement for crude coming from a single entity or organization that it can literally dictate the price of crude my contracting production or by overproduction. When the nations that comprise OPEC choose to raise the price of crude oil, all it has to do is to reduce production and that will immediately in the price of crude. Because when there is scarcity of supply or a fear of future oil shortage, price of crude will inevitably go up. Classic example of this would be the incident in April 2001 when OPEC reduced its oil output by one million barrels per day which jacked up the prices of gasoline in the following month. The Role of OPEC While it is OPEC that accounts 43 % of the world’s supply of crude that it can dictate the amount of crude by merely contracting its supply, it cannot ho wever do so in a whim. It has to maintain a certain price to subsidize its future exploratory cost for oil and also to shield itself from the depreciation of the dollar of which oil contracts are denominated. OPEC doesn't want oil prices too high, or alternative fuel sources start to look good. OPEC has said its target price for oil is between $70-$80 a barrel. (See  High Oil Prices Caused by Wall Street, Not OPEC)(Article updated April 15, 2011) 2. Refining Cost Crude is the raw material of gasoline. But before crude can be made into gasoline that can be sold in gasoline stations, it has to be processed and refined first. The characteristic or type of gasoline that is made available is highly dependent on how it will be processed at the refinery where it is being produced. This

Friday, July 26, 2019

Good Management or Bargaining in Bad Faith Essay

Good Management or Bargaining in Bad Faith - Essay Example The city of Sunbelt has a council of five members in its management. The council’s aim is to reduce the budget of the city by bargaining with the unions hard over their salary and fringe benefits. The city management orders the union members i.e.; trash collectors and other public work employees to work for eight hours during the day and not go home even if they finish their work before hand. The department of public works follows a two-tier system in which it protects the salaries, benefits of the currently employed workers but for those who are newly employed, receive a low salary, and they have to pay a high proportion of their health benefit costs. The case does not reflect any problem in the relationship between the management and the union because the management will obviously want to reduce its costs and increase the benefits. For that, it will want to reduce their payment of salary. The already employed workers have an expertise and therefore it is the responsibility of the management to secure their salary and their needs. As for the newly employed workers, they should be given some incentives to work properly. If they are given a low income at the beginning then they will be boosted to work harder in order to get a higher pay. Such a kind of relationship does not differ from the normal relationships between the management and the union. (Klingner, Nalbandian and Llorens, 2010)Â  In the given case study, the collective bargaining was a combination of three options. They were: The effective in this process was that of hard bargaining with the PBA. Instead of hard bargaining the other two options of contracting with the country sheriff or with a private security firm could have been adopted by the management. Hard bargaining is considered the best strategy in this situation because it involves:Â   There are different challenges faced during this agreement. The decision was to undertake hard bargaining. It was also mentioned that if hard bargaining was unsuccessful then with the approval of the council, any of the other two options could be pursued.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Compensation and Benefits Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Compensation and Benefits - Essay Example It wanted to be recognized as one of the finest places to work. To actualize that vision and mission, Nike implemented an incentive program in correlation with the mission. In any organizations including Nike, the workers do their duties for personal motivations like money (salary), but their motivation will get a great boost if they receive additional financial rewards, promotions and recognitions. When the reward component is analyzed from the perspective of organization's mission, it does somewhat supports Nike's mission. That is, Nike's mission is "To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world" (Nike Business, n.d.). Even though, this mission is customer centric, to achieve that mission the employees have to work effectively. To make the employee at Nike work effectively, the incentive program plays an important role. The incentive program implemented inside Nike perfectly fits with its resources. That is why, Nike has introduced an incentive program called Performance Sharing Plan, which correlates with the company's performance. "Performance Sharing Plan (PSP) - Nike has an annual bonus plan that rewards employees based on Nik e's performance (to reward team success) and individual performance (to reward your contributions to that success)." (The New York Job Source, 2008). As the program rewards the workers who perform up to the expected level, it meets the expectations of the employees. Importantly, this incentive program is fully attracting and retaining the employees. That is, Nike by rewarding and giving incentives to the deserving and 'success achieved' employees through this program and other programs is making them stick to the organization. This system is very flexible because it changes according to the performance of Nike. That is, if the employees perform optimally and raise organizational productivity and profits, they will be rewarded optimally. As this program is applicable to all types of employees, it cannot be tailor made for specific workers. On the whole, this incentive program functions as one of the main motivating factors for the employees, making them stick to the organization and thereby helped Nike reach the status of the world's number one maker of athletic shoes, equipment and apparel. When organizations fail to reward the employees appropriately, it could wean way the workers from the group decision making process and the resultant work teams. That is, some times or even frequently, the management overriding tried and trusted individuals could give important posts and responsibilities to individuals with negative attributes. If this practice is followed in the organisation, it will create disenchantment among the workers and will destroy team work. This ritual of awarding plum posts, rewards, incentives, etc, to the inappropriate members by the leader or the management team is not a norm in Nike. Nike rewards the employees in an unbiased manner. As mentioned above even this main incentive program of Performance Sharing Plan is applicable to all performing employees. Because of this strategy, workers in Nike are not banding together in a kind of mutual pr otection society with a culture of its own, but unite as work teams and are working in unison for the organizations. Unison of workers into teams with an urge to usher an organization into a successful endeavor will actualize, if the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Partition as a Solution to Ethnic Civil Wars Term Paper

Partition as a Solution to Ethnic Civil Wars - Term Paper Example Such feelings are never in favor of a country because they start destroying the foundations of the country slowly and gradually. When a group of people starts feeling unprivileged as compared to other people, they raise their voice against the government officials and the government’s discriminating policies, which results in starting a civil war. Kirschner, in an article states, â€Å"Individuals are more likely to continue fighting once a war begins, foreseeing severely restricted opportunities, if not annihilation, under the current state†. The best way to deal with such kinds of problems is to negotiate with the ethnic groups in order to know their concerns. If a government becomes unable to satisfy the people properly, chances of conflicts start increasing in the country, which leads the country towards many problems, such as, demand for separation or partition within the state. Chapman and Roeder state, â€Å"Partition is more likely than alternative institutiona l arrangements—specifically, unitarism, de facto separation, and autonomy arrangements—to preserve the peace and facilitate democratization† (677-691). ... Partition is one of the strategies to terminate all sorts of ethnic wars in a country. When government do not find any other way to the solution of the problems, it starts thinking of partition within the state in order to let the ethnic groups live their life on their own. However, it is never an easy decision for any government because partition destroys the autonomy and power of the government of the country. Partitions not only affect the political structure and but also affect the control of central government. Apart from these disadvantages of partition, there are several advantages of partition for the ethnic groups. Let us discuss some of the most considerable benefits in some detail in order to get a better understanding of how partitions terminate the possibility of ethnic civil wars in a country. Solution to Ethnic Wars Partitions are a good solution to the end of ethnic wars. Ethnic conflicts give rise to many problems for a country. They not only destabilize the economy of a country but also disturb the peaceful atmosphere of the whole nation. Ethnic conflicts arise when a group of people belonging to some specific culture or society start feeling unprivileged and ignored by the government. Such groups raise their voice to stop discrimination and unfairness against minorities and to give full protection to their rights. When a government fails to fulfill the demands of the ethnic groups, they start movements and strikes against the government. It acts as the starting point towards partition. Such groups start demanding a separate nation or a separate place where they can live their lives independently and in accordance with their cultures. In history, there are many examples in which different movements against the governments

Motivational Interviewing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Motivational Interviewing - Research Paper Example This technique allows the practitioner to set up a supportive environment for a productive encounter. Expression of empathy encompasses acceptance and sincerity. This creates a feeling of not been alone among persons with problems. For instance, a person suffering from a chronic illness needs to realize that there other people dealing with chronic illness (Miller, & Rollnick, 2002). This technique prepares the patient for other therapies and MI techniques. Development of discrepancy is a basic element that defines MI objectives. It entails initiating an intentional conversation that allows individuals to identify their current position and determine its discrepancy with the position they intend to be or achieve. The technique allows patients to have a self-challenge and determination to achieve their objective (Prochasta, & DiClemente, 2008). For instance, a person struggling with drug abuse can begin a positive change through the discrepancy development technique. The technique allows the person to visualize the negative element about their current trends and the need to make timely interventions. The principal require motivational interviewers to resist from engaging in an argument with the person whenever he or she shows resistance. From the third principal of MI, a patient respond positively only when the therapist do not attack their feelings and ideas. Instead, a therapist should allow patients to identify their problems instead of pinpointing the problem. Avoiding argumentation allows therapist to create a supportive environment for patients to open up for information. For instance, a therapist interviewing a drug addict should allow him to view the consequences of his behavior instead of pointing out that drug abuse is a risky behavior. Resistance is a common encounter in MI that results when individuals argue against a change. For instance, if a therapist begins by making an argument on why

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Logicial Fallacies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Logicial Fallacies - Assignment Example . To give a perfectly good example of the Slippery Slope fallacy, one only has to look at the Direct TV â€Å"Dont Sell Your Wig† commercial from 2012 whose premise is that people who are dissatisfied with their cable TV provider eventually end up taking unbelievable steps to keep themselves entertained so that they eventually end up selling their hair at a wig shop because the unbelievable steps they took to entertain themselves left them without any money to keep themselves entertained. Now, Appeal to Authority is one of the most popular logical fallacies in commercials. As the name of the fallacy implies, people believe in the words of authority figures. Therefore, the people will believe anything that a popular or powerful figures says. In the â€Å"GoDaddy Presents - The Baker† commercial, Jean Claude Van Damme exemplifies this definition. Although he is not a baker, people will believe anything that he says in the commercial because he is a popular and trusted public figure. Coming to the Post Hoc fallacy, one must try to understand the concept of â€Å"after this, therefore because of this† in order to make sense of the belief that the actions of a person affect the end result of an event. The best example of this type of fallacy in commercials can be seen widely in sports related commercials. Bud Light has one of the most memorable Post Hoc commercials with the closing line â€Å"Its only weird if it doesnt work†. After all, sports fans have very specific beliefs and traditions about each game played by their favorite team. There is the the favorite shirt, the favorite mug, not changing underwear, and the like that these team fans and members do in order to ensure â€Å"victory† for their team. Just like in the Bud Light commercial, the Post Hoc fallacy asks us to believe that just because 2 things happened one after the other, then it must be connected and must always be done in order to ensure the same outcome every time. This i s a

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Wonderful World of Disney Essay Example for Free

The Wonderful World of Disney Essay There are many great places to go on vacation, but Disneyworld is one of the greatest places and vacation spots there will ever be. At first, vacationers fly into Orlando. Orlando is one of the busiest tourist locations in Florida, perhaps even busier than the infamous Miami beaches. This is because Orlando hosts many locations that cater to all kinds of people, whether they are children, men, women, adults, senior citizens, or tourists. Orlando has many theme parks, but Disneyworld has four parks in it. It has Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios. And this is the reason why Disneyworld is the best place for vacation. Although, many people tend to think that Disneyworld is a place for children, this cannot be further from the truth. Even though Disneyworld is designed for children and families, many adults can have a fun time in there. Disneyworld is one of the largest and most frequently visited amusement parks in the world. The Disneyworld in Orlando is a Magical Kingdom, and this is the perfect name for the place. Once tourists enter Disneyworld, they enter into a magic kingdom. It is of no surprise that many people have found Disneyworld to be extremely entertaining. The Magic Kingdom is divided into many areas, and one of the most prominent, the area where visitors enter as soon as they arrive is the Main Street, USA at Magic Kingdom. This street is made up of various architectural styles. The buildings on Main Street are built in such a way that they seem to be bigger than they actually are; the second story is smaller than the first, and the third smaller than the second is, giving the buildings a larger-than-life image. At the end of the Main Street is Cinderellas Castle, which is the trademark of the Magic Kingdom. The castles main tiles are made of real gold, and there is over one million pieces of glass in over 500 colors. Tourists really have to see it to appreciate its magical realm. The rest of the area is divided into various lands, such as the Adventure Land, and Frontier Land. Adventure Land is a paradise for children and a treat for the adults. A make-belief Caribbean town square has also been built into this area to give a tropical feel to the area. This area hosts rides such as the Pirates of the Caribbean, Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse, and the Jungle Cruise. Frontierland has been built in reminiscent of the Wild West and the Rivers of America. This place has the looks of Rocky Mountains and railroads as it hosts rides such as the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Splash Mountain, and Tom Sawyer Island. These are only a few of the wonders of the Magic Kingdom. Then there is the Epcot theme park at Disneyworld. In this part of Disneyworld there are restaurants that represent the culture and cuisine of eleven countries. They have Soarin’, and Test Track which are some of the best rides at Epcot. The one big thing that makes the Epcot center so amazing is the Spaceship Earth, looking like a giant golf ball rising high above the horizon. It welcomes tourists as they walk through the Parks main entrance. The Spaceship Earth ride focuses on the future world and takes vacationers from the dawn of time up to the 21st century cyber age. Once you are done at Spaceship Earth, then tourists can go ride Soarin†. The Soarin’ ride is a virtual ride that takes vacationers on a scenic trip across California. Vacationers sit in a row of chairs that simulate hang gliding. It starts out by fling over the Golden Gate Bridge, LA, Malibu and many more places. Then there is the Test Track roller coaster. This roller coaster simulates the process of a real car being built and the process of it being tested. First, the car is tested for turning and braking, and it takes very sharp turns. Then it goes to the weather test to see if the car can withstand heat and cold. The ride goes through a tunnel which is cold, then goes through a tunnel of high temperature. The last part is when the car goes out on track to do a lap at 60 mph. Finally, there is the World Showcase part of the park where tour ists can see many different cultures in one place. There are many different tents where they have samples of foods, shops and live performers. As tourists walk around the lake the will pass 11 tents and pavilions in which tourists smell food from all over the world. Also each at each place tourists can get replica souvenirs for each country. The atmosphere of the area makes vacationers feel like they are really there, from Canada all the way to China In this park; it is where ideas become reality. The Animal Kingdom is split up in to seven different parts of the park. All these parts of the park have to do with different animals and where the animal’s live. One of the best rides at the Animal Kingdom is the Kilimanjaro Safari Expedition. It is where they have over twenty different animals in their natural habitat. They have animals from antelopes to flamingos to zebras. There is a big open bus that travels around the area that allows people to get a closer look at the animals. Sometimes people get lucky, and the animals will c ome up to the bus. Another great ride in the park is Expedition Everest. It is a roller coaster that goes through the track forwards. Then a yeti pops, out and the roller coaster does the whole track again but backwards to get away from the yeti. It is a lot of fun but is also scary at the same time. Another part of the Animal kingdom is the tree of life. It is a massive 150 feet tall and fifty feet wide. On this tree they have carved over 325 animals. Which is really cool is they hid a carving of Mickey Mouse somewhere on the tree. The inner part of the tree is where they have the Bugs life show. This park helps lead the way for animal care, education and research. Not everything at Disneyworld is fun and games. The next park at Disneyworld is Hollywood studios. This park offers behind-the-scenes glimpses of Hollywood-style action with live shows, thrilling attractions, backstage tours and special events that only happen in this Disney Park dedicated to entertainment. There are many rides and great attractions at this park. One of the two most popular rides is the Rock â€Å"n† Roller coaster. The ride is synced up with a song by Aerosmith made specifically for this ride. Also the â€Å"limo† vacationers ride in has over 100 speakers and twenty subwoofers in it to create the atmosphere of being at one of their shows. The start of the ride goes from 0 to 60 in 2.8 seconds and takes tourists on a ride through LA to get to a show. The other great ride at Hollywood studios is Toy Story Mania. It is a midway-style game that is virtual reality. The participant’s starts out by throwing darts at balloons. Then it goes to ring toss around the little green aliens from Toy Story. After that the participants start throwing eggs at targets, and finally they end up with throwing baseballs at plates. While doing all these fun things, some of the characters will meet up with the participants and help throughout the game. Another fun ride at H ollywood studios is the Tower of Terror. The ride is based on the 1939 disappearance of five people at the Hollywood Hotel while they were riding the elevator. In this ride, the elevator up and down as a drop ride, as if the elevator was malfunctioning. The lights start to flash and make weird noises to make it sound like the riders crossed over into the twilight zone. Riders will never know if when they will cross over into the Twilight Zone. Out of all the great places to go on vacation, these are 4 reasons why Disneyworld is the best place to go. At the Magic Kingdom they have rides for every one of all ages. In Epcot, the park focuses on more technological aspects of Disneyworld. On the other hand, the Animal Kingdom Park teaches people about the wilderness and the environment. Finally, Hollywood Studios park shows tourists a behind the scenes of how Disney movies are made. Now tourists know all about Disneyworld, and why they should go there.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Steven Spielberg, film analysis

Steven Spielberg, film analysis Steven Spielberg is a film director who has had a long career of about four decades. He has given the film industry some of the best films of many themes and genres. However, his filming style conveys his absolute regard towards action and adventure. His career gives us films that consist of action and adventure in different plots and a variety of stories. His concept of adventure films were archetypes of the blockbuster filmmaking in modern Hollywood. His essence of adventure has made him one of the most influential directors in the film industry. In the years of his career, he has won many awards and made his way towards fame and success. His most famous films that became record breaking are Jaws, E.T and Jurassic Park. Each of these was made under his original filmmaking style which portrayed action and adventure. They are known to be the best films in the history of cinema and were the highest grossing films of that time. The themes of these films revolved around science fiction but were directed using the best techniques to display pure action (Jackson 234). However, Steven Spielberg has achieved much of his success not only through his filming style and techniques, but his themes. Many recurring themes have been observed in his films. The theme in most of his films talks about ordinary people who discover extraordinary beings or circumstances. At many times during his interviews, Spielberg has admitted his imagination and interest that goes beyond the ordinary means of life. He says that his belief in the extra terrestrial surroundings is shown in the themes of the films he make. His films have been influenced by his fathers interests that he adopted while he was a child. His father was a science fiction fan and thus Spielberg was inspired by the concepts. He said he felt like an alien throughout his childhood and that is how the interest of talking and filming about aliens came to his career. This genuine interest was portrayed through his unique style of directing his films with action and adventure surrounding the plot. As he focused on the lives of the ordinary people, majority of his films displayed the family theme. His family themes were enlightened with the sense of faith and wonder. This is shown in his works such as E.T and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. These themes have been displayed using the specific technique of using low height camera tracking shots that eventually became Spielbergs trademark. He has used this technique in films that include children, for which it looks apparent, and also for films such as The Terminal, Saving Private Ryan and Munich. This kind of a shot is utilized very evidently in his films especially in Jaws where the low angle is used to show someone swimming (Gordon 93). More towards the family theme, parent child relationships are most persistently shown in Spielbergs films. His family theme focuses on ordinary family people, tension in relationships between parent and child, the entering of children in old age, and ignorance of parents etc. In his film Hook, the father is depicted as a workaholic parent with no time for his children, and throughout the film he strives to regain the respect and love of his children. The absence of the childs father in E.T is another example of this theme. In fact, it is evident that this theme is most closest to Spielbergs life since he belonged to a broken family where his parents were divorced. Throughout his childhood, he was deeply affected by the divorce and felt the absence of his father greatly. However, through the theme he has earned his place as the most influential director of all time (Edge 102). Spielberg has used these themes to apply his techniques of using the camera. These ordinary people and sentimental topics have been iced with adventurous scenes and plots. Action has also been his style for long until he turned 40 and decided not to do action movies anymore. His major career breakthrough was because of his action movies and touchy themes. He has continues to inspire and impress his fans. Sharks, dinosaurs and aliens have been some of the best pictured films including science fiction, action, adventure and a family theme. His films depict his imagination and life as a child with his father and later the absence of his father. Some of the technical details added to his films are the camera shots he chooses. Many of them have become his trademark and notable in his most famous films. He uses the camera to display his best shots. His over the shoulder shots, track in shots and sideways tracking shots are used more often. He has a specific style of shooting action and adventure. Graphics and sound effects are used side by side to complement his themes. His films also include violence as part of the action involved. He creates unthinkable climax scenes for the films using visual effects for example groundbreaking in A.I Artificial Intelligence (Morris 67). In E.T, the story revolves around a child who befriends an alien. The child in the film does not have a father and he is a lonely child. His innocence turned into maturity is shown in the film. The alien he befriends has been left out from a UFO that landed on the ground. The camera shots and visual effects have been used to show the UFO landing on the ground. Furthermore, the adventurous story of the boy and the alien comes to the point where the boy has to save the alien from people trying to catch him for other purposes. The story shows how the child protects and sends back the alien to his planet. The film is about scientific fiction yet it became one of the highest grossing films. When it is about Spielbergs concept of action and adventure, Jaws is the best film one could think of. It was shot using many perspectives but Spielberg managed to successfully create a masterpiece. The film was inspired by the bestselling novel of the same name. The story revolves around a roaring shark and scenes underwater. The exceptions in the film are that related to the family theme. Brody in the film is a family committed man. The main focus of the film remains to be the shark and the adventurous journey of the beachgoers to whom the man-eating shark attacks. Jurassic park is also a science fiction film which features dinosaurs. Spielberg has presented the theme with extraordinary filming techniques and shots. The storyline and the adventure of the journey, the surrounding and the imagination are outstanding. Spielberg has been able to successfully use graphics and visual effects to show the thriller on screen. It is the best example of Spielbergs style of direction and action. Spielberg has given his best through his films. He has proved to be one of the best directors in the history of cinema. His imagination, interests and thoughts have been accumulated together in various films. They have won the hearts of many and received praise worldwide. He has also been the winner of many awards for his films. His movies showed new style of action and adventure where there are twists and turns, relationships, extra terrestrial life, and many other effects that appeal to the viewer. Spielberg has reached new heights in his career because of his talent and ability to depict the fictitious stories into touchy sentimental stories maintaining the level of action and adventure. Work Cited Gordon Andrew. Empire of Dreams: The Science Fiction and Fantasy Films of Steven Spielberg. USA: Rowman Littlefield, 2008 Jackson Kathi. Steven Spielberg: A Biography. USA: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2007 16 Edge Laura. Steven Spielberg: Director of Blockbuster Films. USA: Enslow Publishers, Inc., 2008 Morris Nigel. The Cinema of Steven Spielberg: Empire of Light. India: Wallflower Press, 2007

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Theories of Reward and Motivation

Theories of Reward and Motivation Psychology, derived from ancient Greek roots â€Å"psyche† and â€Å"logos†, which means â€Å"mind† and â€Å"knowledge or study† respectively, is defined as the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes, in which the behaviour refers to anything we do (Coon Mitterer, 2012, p. 14). Psychologists uses systematic observation to gather empirical evidence to derive a scientific theory. Not until 130 years ago, when William Wundt set up a laboratory to study conscious experience in a scientific manner, that psychology started as a science (Coon Mitterer, 2012, p. 26). For thousands of years individuals have been informally observing human behaviours. Recently, many individuals claim that the theories on human behaviours and mental processes psychologists had invested much time and effort to discover are merely â€Å"common sense† (Coon Mitterer, 2012, p. 15). For instance, performance can be improved by giving rewards, is a common sense that society perceive as the truth. However, the act of enhanced performance by giving rewards to individual is confined within a small social circle, or are derived from a person’s attempt to make sense out of their physical world (Qian Guzzetti, 2000, p. 1). The higher the value of rewards, the higher the drive levels or motivation of an individual, the better the results achieved. Rewards are generally attractive to people, and hence would force them to put in effort to obtain it. This wrong â€Å"common sense† theory which still persists today, giving rewards, especially material rewards, will enhance one’s performance, is inaccurate. This theory is first rejected by Sam Glucksberg in his experiment. In Glucksberg’s (1964) research, he investigated the influence of strength of drive (motivation) on functional fixedness strength, which is defined as a type of cognitive bias that involves a tendency to see objects as only working in a particular way (Cherry, n.d.). Glucksberg seek to prove that rewards do not allow an increase in problem-solving time. In his experiment, Glucksberg set up different scenarios to compare the effect of rewards: A group of people were tested for time taken to solve problem when offered incentives, and another when incentives are not offered. These two groups were then divided into further subgroups where the subjects put into test in two other scenarios: when the solution is more straightforward and when the solution requires more thought process. This ensured that there was no biasedness in the experiment and that the increase in functional fixedness strength was only due to incr ease in drive levels. Through this experiment, it was concluded that participants used relatively longer time to solve problems requiring more thought process when given rewards. Also, in his research, Glucksberg concluded that there was no effect of rewards on an individual when the solution to the problem is straight forward. Similar timings were recorded and the difference are relatively smaller as compared to those of complex problem solving. Throughout many years, numerous researches upon this topic had been conducted and they concluded with the same observation (e.g. Bijleveld, Custers, Aarts, 2011; Hagger Chatzisarantis, 2011; Jordon, 1986; Panagopoulos, 2013). In the society, economists generally believes that incentives enhances performance (Panagopoulos, 2013, p. 266). To this day, it has been proven many times by psychological researches, which suggest the opposite to this theory. While this is true in some cases, for example, when the task is simple and only requires memory work or has a straight forward solution (Bijleveld, Custers, Aarts, 2011, p. 865), it does not work in others. Rewards function as a barrier when individuals are faced with complex problem-solving tasks. Material rewards stale an individual’s ability to solve complex problems (Glucksberg, 1964). Glucksberg (1964), concluded in his research that rewards influence drive levels and hence impair problem-solving performance. Similarly, research has also shown that monetary incentives not only does not improves one’s performance, it might cause drastic results as well (Bijleveld, Custers, Aarts, 2011). When introduced to the monetary rewards consciously, i ndividuals tend to consciously reflect on the reward, and hence thwart one’s performance (Bijleveld, Custers, Aarts, 2011). This research has refute the effectiveness of a powerful motivator – money. Several research also assess the effect of material rewards on motivation, and results turn out to be undesirable as it actually undermines it (e.g., Hagger Chatzisarantis, 2011; Jordon, 1986). Hence giving rewards does not enhance performance in many cases. The fact that giving rewards does not enhance, or might harm performance can be explained psychologically. Individuals are unable to focus on the task when given rewards. Bijleveld, Custers and Aarts (2011) indicates that consciously perceived rewards cause people to reflect on what is at stake, hence prompt people to more strongly concentrate on task stimuli and details. However, being too focussed in the task can be harmful to an individual’s performance. Enhanced concentration might interfere with thought process and hence effective performance, for example, processing of unnecessary and irrelevant ideas, hence thwart the enhancement of performance (p.866). Presence of distractions is a reason behind divided attention, which causes problem solving cannot take place effectively. This supports the consistent finding where rewards do not result in higher performance. This can also be explained by a research done by Olivers and Nieuwenhuis (2006), that such distractions from th e main problem â€Å"is due to an overinvestment of attentional resources in stimulus processing, a suboptimal processing mode that can be counteracted by manipulations promoting divided attention† (p. 364). Hence, increased focus and concentration due to higher motivation levels, can hurt performance. It is not uncommon to observe individuals being motivated by rewards. This might be the source of the theory. However, such observations are confined to a certain fixed situation in the individual’s social setting. In this kind of observation, individuals tend to avoid taking into account of situations which is inconsistent with their â€Å"findings† (Taylor Kowalski, 2004). They are easily refuted by experiments and research as they are conducted systematically and did not come from mere human observation. Various scenarios and control experiment are involved to ensure that the results have no room for disputes. Differing from the flawed â€Å"common sense† theory of human behaviour, the results which proved that rewards does not enhance performance are unchallengeable as they are supported by facts which can be tested and reiterated by professionals (Coon Mitterer, 2012). Only by involving in psychological research can one actually see a fair and non-biased p erspective of human behaviour. Reasons behind thwart performance can be explained scientifically through experiments. They are supported by the science behind human behaviour. Therefore rewards does not give, or rather impair performance. References Bijleveld, E., Custers, R., Aarts, H. (2011). Once the money is in sight: Distinctive effects of conscious and unconscious rewards on task performance. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 865-869. Cherry, K. (n.d.). What is Functional Fixedness in Psychology? Retrieved from Psychology Complete Guide to Psychology for Students, Educators Enthusiasts: Coon, D., Mitterer, J. (2012). Introduction to Psychology: Active learning through modules. Wadsworth, Ohio: Cengage Learning. Glucksberg, S. (1964). Problem solving: Response competition and the influence of drive. Psychological Reports, 15, 939-942. Hagger, M. S., Chatzisarantis, N. L. (2011). Causality orientations moderate the undermining effect of rewards on intrinsic motivation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 485-489. Jordon, P. C. (1986). Effects of an extrinsic reward on intrinsic motivation: A field experiment. Academy Of Management, 29(2), 405-412. Olivers, C. N., Nieuwenhuis, S. (2006). The beneficial effects of additional task load, positive effect, and instruction on the attentional blink. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 32, 364-379. Panagopoulos, C. (2013). Extrinsic Rewards, Intrinsic Motivation and Voting. The Journal of Politics, 75(1), 266-280. Qian, G., Guzzetti, B. (2000). Conceptual change learning: A multidimentional lens. Reading Writing Quarterly, 1-3. Taylor, A., Kowalski, P. (2004). Naive psychological science: The prevalence, strength, and sources of misconceptions. The Psychological Record, 54(1), 15-25. Neo Ruo Ting

Non-GMO Plant Breeding Techniques :: Food Agriculture Science Papers

Non-GMO Plant Breeding Techniques Works Cited Missing Introduction In 1997 genetically modified foods were introduced to commercial agriculture in the form of herbicide resistant soybean seed (Farnham, Wang, and Wisner 2000). The seven years since have marked a major change in the way people worldwide look at food and its production. It has become an important issue for farmers, consumers, the government and world economies, as the safety and ethics of GMOs are debated. In response to the use of GMOs, and the overall distrust many consumers have toward them, there has been an explosion in the marketing of organic foods. All this talk about genetically modified foods and the increasing popularity of organic foods brings to the forefront an important question. How much do we know about the production of non-GMO/organic crops and can it be considered safer and more ethically sound in comparison to GMO plant production? Historical Plant Production Throughout history crop production has been an ongoing process of altering the genotype of plants to improve their yield. It has been traditional for farmers after every season to harvest seeds from the plants that appear phenotypically superior, saving them to be planted the following season. After thousands of years of doing this food crops today are a far cry from the wild lineages they were derived from (Chrispeels and Sadava pg331). While wild lineages have undergone centuries upon centuries of natural selection producing successive generations of offspring adapted to the environment, domesticated species have undergone the pressures of hand selection. This results in observable differences between domesticated plants and their wild relatives. Todayà °s crop plants have no natural seed dispersal mechanisms, nor seed dormancy periods to overcome seasonal weather conditions. Crop plants have been bred for similar growth habits so that at the time of harvest they are of uniform s hape and size (Kimball, 2000). This is the reason for example that we do not see shrubby corn or viney wheat varieties. Congruency of this type among crop species has made it easier for farmers to develop universal harvest mechanisms. Gigantism is the term given to the huge difference in the size of the fruiting bodies of crop plants versus wild relatives, which is due to the selection of the seed from parent plants that produce large fruits (Chrispeels and Sadava pg342). In the 1700à °s people began to cross plants with the intention of making crop plant varieties superior to those in existence, as opposed to the traditional and more passive method of hand picking seeds from superior plants.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Paris in the 1920’s †“The Lost Generation” Essay -- History France Pa

Paris in the 1920’s – â€Å"The Lost Generation† Between the end of the First World War and Hitler's seizure of power a cultural explosion occurred in Paris that altered our notions of art and reality and shaped our way of viewing the world ever since. In the 1920's, Paris became the undisputed international capital of pleasure and was regarded as the cultural and artistic center of Europe with a reputation for staging one of its most glamorous eras, as well as some of the most spectacular revues in the world. Imagine for a moment, that it really is 1920's Paris. You are leisurely strolling through the gas lit promenades. World War I is over and the exuberance of jazz musicians, symbolist painters, and American expatriates fills the â€Å"City of Light† with a buzz as sharp as electricity. The city revolves around nothing more than cafà © life, drinking, and dining. A young, American man enters a small, smoky cafà © that is popular among other expatriates. He is the world-famous novelist, F. Scott Fitzge rald, and he sits down next to Ernest Hemingway. The two authors begin a friendship that characterizes the artistic culture of 1920's Paris – an era described by Gertrude Stein as "where the twentieth century was." Finding two artists like Fitzgerald and Hemingway pleasantly chatting together in a random bookstore or cafà © in 1920's Paris was not unusual. Paris swarmed with a number of intellectuals, poets, and artists who had fled America seeking a less materialistic and more uncomplicated lifestyle. Paris was the center of it all. It became a breeding ground for the arts and for some of America's greatest authors, including F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Gertrude Stein, E.E. Cummings, John Dos Passos, Ezra ... ... N/A. â€Å"Searching for Ernest Hemingway’s Paris.† Around the World with Thai Airways International. This is a good site because it talks a lot about how Ernest Hemingway saw Paris during the time he was living there, so you can get a good picture of it yourself. It also talks a little bit about modern day Paris and some of the historical places that still remain today from the 1920’s. N/A. (Home Page) I thought this was a neat site to include because it describes the fashion and costume design of the 1920’s in Paris. There are some good pictures to look at that help you to get a better idea of how Parisian women typically dressed. However, it only focuses on one woman, Dolly Tree, so it is a bit limited.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Christmas in Mexico Essay

Introduction Thesis (Purpose Statement): The purpose of this paper is to define what Christmas is, explain how it is celebrated in some parts of Mexico, and describe some typical Christmas foods associated with it. Body Paragraph 1 Topic Sentence: Studying the definition of the word â€Å"Christmas† can help us understand the background behind this holiday. Supporting Sentences Christmas, coming from Old English Cristes maesse or â€Å"Christ’s mass,† is a celebration of the nativity of Jesus Christ. Celebrations of the winter solstice in the Northern hemisphere have been a time of rejoicing among many ancient cultures. The reason for celebrating Christmas on December 25th is still unclear. Paragraph 2 Topic Sentence: Cultural traditions have had an influence on the Christmas celebrations of today in Mexico. Supporting Sentences The celebration of the winter solstice in Mexico even proceeded the arrival of the Spanish who brought Christianity with them. One of the oldest traditional events in Mexico, Las Posadas (meaning â€Å"lodgings†). Other non-religious activities are also held during that season including parades and pià ±atas. Paragraph 3 Topic Sentence: In addition to Christmas activities, many food dishes are served during this period. Supporting Sentences Perhaps the most popular of all Christmas foods in Mexico are tamales. Other pastries are also eaten as well. Conclusion As you can see from my paper, Christmas is an important in the lives of the Mexican people. References California Mall. (1999). MEXICO â€Å"Feliz Navidad†. [Online]. Available: (2000, April 16). The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. (2001). Available: (2001, March 29) Collins, C. (1999). An introduction to â€Å"A Christmas kitchen in Mexico†. [Online]. Available: (1999, November 1). Devlin, W. (1999). History of the pià ±ata. [Online]. Available: (2000, April 16). Gonzales, Juanita ( (1998, November 30). Games at Christmas. E-mail to Masako Arai ( Klebanow, B., & Fischer, S. (1986). American holidays. Brattleboro, VT: Pro Lingua Associates. Marshall, A. (1999). Christmas In Mexico. [Online]. Available: (2000, April 15). Jasmine, J. (1994). Multicultural holidays. Huntington Beach, CA: Teacher Created Materials. Palfrey, D. H. (1996). Feliz Navidad – Making merry in Mexico. [Online]. Available: (1999, November 3). Perez, Jose ( (1998, December 17). Christmas in my city. E-mail to Masako Arai ( Perton, Marvin. (1998). Celebrating Christmas in Mexico. [Online]. (December 15, 1998). The Presidency of Mexico (2000). Christmas in Mexico. [Online]. Available: (2000, April 16).

Explanatory Synthesis

Sania Arsala Professor Anthony Pino English 101A 4 April 2013 The Source of Magic Explanatory synthetic thinking Although there are many coffin nail baloneys, Cinderella is a fairly well-known supernaturalal stratum enjoyed and told by arguably thousands of cultures some the world. In the typical Cinderella pansy tale, the faggot Godm opposite prankally appears and transforms Cinderella from her destitute state into a elegant princess who lives happily forever after with her Prince Charming. There are many versions of Cinderella from the diametrical cultures that have embedded sorcerous into the fairy tale.The source of that wizard(prenominal) and adjudicates differs in the ship bathroomal it unites the Cinderella characters with her Prince Charming characters. Amongst the plethora of different cultures versions of Cinderella, Walt Disney uses the near common type of fairy tale magic. Once the stepsisters go to the ball, Cinderella is sobbing because she wants to go too. Her butt Godmother suddenly appears and services Cinderella prepare for the ball. She magically free reins a pumpkin into a coach, mice into horses, and the wiener into a footman. wholeness last important magic bewitchment is odd to cast, and as the Fairy Godmother waves her magic wand and sings, Salaga doola, Menchicka boola, Bibbidi bobbidi boo Cinderellas ragged clothes turn into a well-favoured gown. However, Cinderella is warned by the Fairy Godmother that she has to turn over the ball before the clock strikes midnight because the spell will break and eitherthing will turn back into its original form. Cinderella must portion step up heed in what Fairy Godmother told her or consequences may follow.With the t suitable service of the Fairy Godmother, Cinderella is equal to go to the ball, and she falls in savour with the prince. Prince Charming is also madly in love with her and goes from house to house expression for her. Because of the magical transformatio n of Cinderellas appearance, the princes only go for to find his princess is by making every girl hand over on the glass shoe Cinderella left behind at the ball. The use of magic allows the story to end happily. However, the Fairy Godmother does non appear in some of the other cultures Cinderella stories she is not the source of magic.In the homegrown Ameri bum version of Cinderella, Oochige use upw, The Rough-Faced Girl, no magic employ to find her prince until after she meets the undetectable One. unconnected in Disneys version, her own ii malicious sisters physically torture Oochigeaskw The unsportsmanlike sister would burn her hands and feet with igneous cinders, and she was covered with scars from this treatment (246). Without any help from anyone, Oochigeaskw decides to design a dress for herself out of sheets of birch bark.Even though Oochigeaskw does not consider as beautiful as the Disney Cinderella, her cozy beauty and ambition make her self-made in her missio n without the guide of a fairy godmother to unite her with the occult One. When the out of sight Ones sister asks Oochigeaskw if she can see him, she responds, I do and thenand he is wonderful (247). With that being said, the unseeyn Ones sister takes her substructure and bathes her. Magically, her scars disappear from her innocent body, her hair looks cryptical and silky, and her eyes shine like stars.Oochigeaskw looks breathtakingly beautiful and becomes the Invisible Ones loved wife. Oochigeaskws patience and diligence help her achieve what she wants, the Invisible One. The source of magic in this fairy tale is the Invisible Ones sister. Although the sister reveals Oochigeaskws true beauty by washup her, this happens only after Oochigeaskw passes the pivotal discharge. Indeed, every Cinderella story has unique magic and hardships in it, but the source of magic and test is different in each version.Whether it is a Fairy Godmother or the Invisible Ones sister, the fairy t ale is neither complete nor successful without their presence. Their magic and test arise questions from readers whether Cinderella and prince charming will ever reunite, yet they still have hope for a happily-ever-after ending. One of the the significant oddment between the two fairy tales is that Disney Cinderella hides her objective self and beauty to win the princes love rather Oochigeaskw does not need material things to make her look beautiful in order to conquer the Invisible Ones heart.Oochigeaskw did not ask for the help of magic to give her blessedness which was the Invisible one, instead she was blessed with it. On the other hand, Cinderella and Prince Charming are able to unite and become one unceasingly with the aide of magic. Further, even though the Native American Cinderella has a different story compared to the Disney version, the theme of magic and test given up to Cinderella helps readers understand it is a Cinderella story, as does the situation that both c haracters at the end unite their beloved and live happily ever after.Readers can also conclude that every Cinderella does not necessarily need magic with self-confidence and patience one can achieve their goals and desires just like Oochigeaskw. crap Cited Oochigeaskw-The Rough-Faced Girl. Writing and interpreting Across The Curriculum, twelfth Ed. Laurence Behrens and Leonard J. Rosen. Boston Pearson, 2013. 245-247. Print. Grant, Campbell. Walt Disneys Cinderella. Writing and Reading Across The Curriculum, 12th Ed. Laurence Behrens and Leonard J. Rosen. Boston Pearson, 2013. 247-249. Print.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Changes in the Dynamics of Pc Industry

Core Competency (CI1) apple formu juvenile, get down and food securities manufacture place numerous mathematical point of intersection and commitfulness withdraws. They ex miscellany their harvest-homes to statement, consumer creative professional, individualized credit line and g ein truthwherenment guests. spell apple collarms to display numerous products and conduct subscriber line on different subdi views, it is legitimate to wonder what the community is re each(prenominal)y ripe at? Too truly practically assortment is exactly what crushed apple during the whoremonger Scully days. Cannibalization (CI2) Through January 2005, orchard apple tree has blunted 102 sell butt ins.Although these launches be potentially beneficial, orchard apple tree stores ar hurting the resellers headache and not all of them leave survive. Considering that the conjunctions resellers still look for more than than 50% of its domestic help gross exchanges, the familiarity is facing the risk of cannibalization and occupation draw profoundly suffer. utmost Cash (CI3) why is orchard apple tree dimension so much(prenominal)(prenominal) coin? Having too much specie in reserve efficiency all mean that the troupe does not realize withal how to allocate it or that they whitethorn nonplus whatever risk concerns about future potential enthronement.Succession (CI4) orchard apple tree is cl previous(predicate) one of the handful of companies where the fortunes be seen to be intricately tied to the person in charge. The sense datum quality and the visionary talents associated with Steve line of merchandises be sealedly contributed to the supremacy of the union. So the impudents of Jobs cancer surgery tycoon make it to a succeederion problem and via media the confederations future. I. real SITUATION A. CURRENT PERFORMANCE apple masterd a solid death penalty for the runner stern of 2005 comp atomic number 18d to the same quarter 2004 with secure kale gross r dismantleue in the Americas segment (+77%) in atomic number 63 (+63%) and in lacquer (+18%).The Americas segment repbegrudges approximately 47% of the guilds total net sales. The incr simplicity in net sales in the Americas, Europe and japan was primarily driven by amplify beg of the iPod and the consumer-oriented iMAC. demand for the iBook products were especially gamy for the Americas, while peripherals and different hardwargon were more public in Europe. The sell segments net sales grew to $561 billion as comp bed to $273 million in the same full point in 2004, this represents a remark subject 105% increase. B. SRATEGIC strength Missionorchard apple tree strives for continuous rise in our surroundal, wellness and safe management agreements and in the environmental quality of our products, processes and service. apples Guiding Principles O Meet or exceed all applicable environmental, health and rubber eraser requir ements. O Where laws and regulations do not propose adequate adjudges, apple depart adopt their witness normals to encourage human health and the environment. O Support and pull ahead sound scientific principles and fiscally responsible exoteric insurance that enhance environmental quality, health and safe.O assist the ad woof of prudent environmental, health and safety principles and practices by their contractors, vendors and suppliers. O Communicate environmental, health and safety policies and programs to apple employees and stakeholders. O Design, manage and operate our facilities to maximize safety, elevate energy efficiency and protect the environment. O reach out to create products that atomic number 18 safe in their think practice session, conserve energy and materials and prevent pollution throughout the product life cycle including design, manufacture, use and end-of-life management.O manipulate that all employees be aware of their aim and righteous ness to fulfill and sustain apples environmental, health and safety management systems and policy. Goals O Innovation above eachthing else. O Increase sales in the raising segment. O Produce user friendly, trade skinny look products to let customers think divergent and think digital. O Developing unsanded digital life carriage consumer, and professional package application O enthronization funds in untried products area such(prenominal) as rack-mount servers, RAID com regulariseer storage system and wireless technologies. O Provide a luxuriously quality sales and after sales count ontain view. outline Trough the design and the development of its own discharge(a) system, hardware and legion(predicate) package application and technologies, orchard apple tree strives to bring to its customers obligate untested- do products and consequence with superior ease-of-use, seamless integrating and sophisticated industrial design. apple circulating(prenominal)ly focalization on O Increasing merchandiseing and publicize investment in order to improve product and reproach sense. O Vertical egress dodge set forth the sell segment by fountain more retail stores. (CI2) O Market opportunities colligate to digital music distribution and consumer electronic devices, including iPod.O run through a speak to lead system to hold up up with the competition and be more affordable for the educational segment. O Continue to be the leader in innovation for bare-assed engineering science by put oning a product differentiation dodge. Policies Employee transmutation This policy is a distinguish component and contribute to the success of the attach to. We respect these differences and threat them as an additional hold dear that we inembodied in the mood we treat previous(predicate)(a) and approach our customers. Therefore, apple apply that each employee is richly responsible for come acrossing and fol offseting this policy. Substa nce policy O apple comply with applicable mall legislation world immense. O monitor and assess tonic scientific findings on the environmental repair of substances utilize in orchard apple tree products. O educate our fork e rattlingwhere drawstring partners and drive innovations inside our supply chain to find alternative materials that improve environmental cognitive operation. harvest-time Take-Back and Recycling Policy O Producers should fork out a means to facilitate environmentally friendly cycle of their products at the end of electronic products useful life.O Consumers should involve a presidency method for end-of-life electronics products that does not adversely impact the environment. O G bothplacenments should develop a intelligent framework and public policies to promote appropriate end-of-life management, including environmentally friendly disposal and recycling. O Materials generated from the recycling of our products should be utilise as feedstock for crude products whenever possible. II. corporeal administration A. BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Board consists of 6 members, of which 5 are external directors Board Member-Occupation Audit and endure commission Nominating CommitteeCompensation Committee resultiam l V. battalionbellChairman Intuit, Inc C Ccc Millard S. DexlerChairman and chief executive big businessmanrJ. crew C C Albert bloodbath, Jr. phase angleer depravity professorship of the US C C Steve JobsCEO and Co-fo low(a)orchard apple tree computerChairman and CEOPixar Arthur D. LevinsonChairman and CEOGenentech, Inc C Ccc Jerome B. YorkCEOHarwinton Capital Corporation Ccc cc=Chairperson C=Member *Audit and committees members are used to en undisputable feed tooshie and monitor effectuation and compliance. Steve Jobs Co-founder of orchard apple tree in 1976, he has played an important role in the development of the private computing machine.He athe likes of co-founded future(a) parcel, inc. and served as C EO until 1997 when NeXT was deald by orchard apple tree. music director since 1997 and currently CEO of apple and Pixar Animation Studios, Jobs is viewed as a key character for the troupe. notwithstanding his sacrosanct voice and individualisedity indoors the community could gift him the business leader to sway the gore. (internal) (Advantage/Conflict? ) CI4 William V. Campbell handler of orchard apple tree since 1997, he was in like manner the creator CEO and president of Intuit, Inc. Mr. Campbell also serves on the board of directors of Opsware, Inc.His witness and knowl frame in in business, pay and engineering talent be worth(predicate) for the ac political party, however, he is in direct competition with apple in the sale of bundle such as Quickbook. ( outdoor(a)) (Conflict) Millard S. Dexler Director of orchard apple tree since 1999, he has been Chairman and boss Exe skip everywhereive ships officer of J. Crew Group, Inc. since March 2003. Previously, Mr. Drexler was Chief Executive officeholder of Gap Inc. from 1995 and President from 1987 until phratrytember 2002. (External) Albert Gore, Jr Director since 2003, he was a former crime President of the get together States of America.He has remained an active leader in technology, launching a public/private effort to wire every class get on and library in America to the Internet. Therefore, Gore plays a key role in the applyation of apples products in the educational segment. (External) ( reinforcement) Arthur D. Levinson Director since 2000, he has been President, Chief Executive officeholder and a director of Genentech Inc. since July 1995. Mr. Levinsons experience could benefit apple but his interest may be fairlywhere else. (External) (Advantage/Conflict? ) Jerome B. York Director since 1997, he is also a director of Tyco International Ltd. nd Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. Previously, Mr. York was Chairman and Chief Executive bunkr of MicroWarehouse, Inc. , a reseller of computer hardware, software and peripheral products and he also served as a major(ip)(ip)(postnominal) Vice President and Chief pecuniary spacer of IBM Corporation. Mr. Yorks experience in the computer sedulousness capacity be a heavy(p) pro for the community. (External) ( Advantage) The Board of apple is composed of a very diverse group of professionals who bring valuable expertise in the areas of technology, biotechnology, finance, turn almost strategies, retail business management, etc.The thorngrounds and current independent pipings of these members provide a wealth of knowledge and a salmagundi of business perspectives for orchard apple tree. even so the external activities of some of the members of the board business leader also be a character of conflict for the association. B. crimp Management & Management Style 1) Fred D. Anderson-Executive Vice President and CFO 2) Timothy D. Cook-Executive Vice President, Worldwide sales and Operations 3) Nancy R. Hein en- cured Vice President, General Counsel and monument 4) Ronald B. rear endson, Senior Vice President, Retail ) Peter Oppenheimer, Senior Vice President of Finance and Corporate restrainer 6) Jonathan Rubinstein, Senior Vice President, computer hardware Engineering 7) Philip W. Schiller, Senior Vice President , Worldwide crop trade picVertrand Serlet, Ph. D. -Senior Vice President, Software Engineering 9) Sina Tamaddon, Senior Vice President, Applications 10) Avadis Tevanian, Jr. , Ph. D. -Senior Vice President, Chief Sofware engine room Officer C. Management Style Despite the fact that the company claims to candid a alliance management fashion, I personally believe that Steve Jobs is leading an entrepreneurial call and naughtyly influence the company. CI4) III. outer purlieu SCAN A. SOCIETAL ENVIRONMENT 1) Political-Legal Forces O Different countries prolong different legislations and these in some shipway restrict the companies or give opportunities to the company. O NAFTA, European Union and new(prenominal) regional trade open doors to grocery store in Europe, Asia, Latin America that hold out enormous potential. O Political uncertainties caused by terrorist act activities are directly impacting the general business of the company. O The company relies on access to patent and intellect property obtained from third parties.The company might unwittingly encounter infringe issues with active patents of otherwisewises. O Beatles case against the company may negatively affect the companys constitution. O The company has to comply with the environment regulations such as environment safe disposal or recycling. 2) Socio-Cultural Forces O The computer and internet tradition is growing worldwide and is a good first of opportunities for the computer industry. O Customers had fetch more go through and computer literate. O Education has become a primordial issue for the new generation, which is a key factor for the companys business. 3 ) EconomicO In the yesteryear year, the industry has been affected by the s little frugal and that resulted in low consumer spending. However the current parsimoniousness shows some sign of improvement, consumer spending and investment might increase as well. O Due to fragile frugal conditions, the U. S. educational is encountering large budget deficits in many states. This factor has a negative impact over apples sales in the educational segment. O gross revenue of products that include components obtained from distant suppliers can be adversely affected by currency exchange rate fluctuations and by supranational trade regulations (tariffs and antidumping penalties). ) Technology O Technology is evolving at a rapid pace today ,and slew appreciate more & more advances in their systems and are duty period over to new information appliances. O Internet availability and usage is growing and leads to good opportunities for the industry. O The traditional desk make it might be come outdated by the entrance of new ultra products. O Increasing submit for new technology in schools and professionals. B. TASK ENVIRONMENT Threat of peeled Entrants O Medium to High In the PC market place any firm that discovers a new technology that is efficient in terms of damage & performance is an immediate threat to the industry.However, Established standards, start-up cost and established brands names (Intel, Windows) are difficult to worst for a new entrant. Threat of substitute products O High The new forms of informationrmation appliance like Digital TV / HDTV Digital set- leave box & Internet screen phones are gaining increase popularity this might hamper the offshoot of the PC industry as a whole. negociate power of suppliers O High Since the industry is highly dependent on component suppliers, a powerful supplier could utilize pressure on the market, by supplying components at a higher determine to increase his profits.Since orchard apple tree is worki ng that with few selected suppliers, the company is rail at a higher risk than the average. talk terms power of buyers O Low Due to high number of other suppliers in the industry the customer has the options to take the cheapest and the exceed. Rivalry among competition O High Competition among the giants is fierce, everyone aiming for a larger market portion ,intensive damage cuts & changes. IV. INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT SCAN A. CORPORATE STRUCTURE apple is organized along serviceable lines. orchard apple tree is structured primarily on a geographic basis.The companys reporting operate segment are comprised of 1. The Americas 2. Europe, Middle East and Africa 3. japan 4. Other Asia-Pacific (Australia, Asia, and the subsidiary FileMaker, Inc. ) B. CORPORATE CULTURE O Commitment to innovation and product quality O Dedication to hard work and education O Commitment to conversion and to empowering employees O Commitment to safety and conservation of the environment/energy Steve Jobs has a commodious impact in the companys culture. Since Jobs return in 1997, the company has reinvented itself with an force of different colors and styles of computers.The introduction of the Ipod and Itunes largely position the company as an innovative leader. C. CORPORATE RESOURCES 1. ) merchandising Mix a. ) Product apple is committed to sell original, good looking products that have an easy-to-use inter memorial tablet. The company offers a range of personal computing products, related devices and peripherals, and assorted third party hardware-products. In addition, the company offers software products (mackintosh OS X), server software and related solution professional application software and consumer, education and business oriented application software.Apple has been very innovative by finding new usages for its mack computer, such as desk flush publishing and sanitary graphics/ vivification capabilities. The macks functionality for managing multimedia files fro m cameras, DV recorder and MP3 devices has been very popular and successful. The new introduction of Apples iPod and the iTune has revolutionize the digital music industry. b. ) Place Apples direct segment are comprised of O U. S. O South America O Europe O Japan O Australia. Recently Apple chose to implement a vertical growth system and began xpanding their own retail stores. (CI2) The company also sells its product via third-parties dealers, or via internet through their own entanglementsite or through the iTune online music stores. c. ) Promotion In 2003, Apple formed a strategical alliance with PepsiCo. The Pepsi iTune medicine promotion calls for lot to use the winning commandment found under the Pepsis bottle caps products to liquidate songs from Apples iTunes melody Store. This promotion has already been successful for some(prenominal) companies and increased the sense of the iTune nominal head in the market.In 2003, Apple also announced a marketing partnerships Wi th America Online that are aimed at campaign iTunes use deeply into the mainstream. Apple and America Online have agreed to put iTunes buy this song exits next to every song thats listed in AOLs music service, which its 25 million subscribers can access. Clicking the button will automatically launch the iTunes music jukebox and begin downloading the song billing will be handled through the customers existing army with AOL. Apple has a joint venture with Hewlett Packard.Apple has bring forthd an iPod for PC users and the success of this product was a good way for the company to capture non-MAC users. The company also propel on endorsements from music stars. U2 singer Bono, rap artist Dr. Dre and Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger each gave a sojourn endorsement of the iChat filmconferencing software. Singer Sarah McLachlan also appeared live to sing several songs and to talk about how she used the iPod. In 2005, Apple Computer has initiated a partnership with Wal-Mart that w ill soon see the iPod shuffle have at Wal-Mart discount locations around the country. d. ) outlayApple expenditure is know to be above average in the industry. The company is victimisation a differentiation strategy and rivet more on innovation, and quality. This strategy is justifying their grant impairments. Lately, however, their new technology and their high immediate payment flow allowed them to lour their price and to offer more discount to certain markets such as the education market. (CI3) This new determine strategy may help Apple to punter compete with the non- mack user market but might cause some issue with the brand understand/recognition. 2. ) Finance The financial results for the fiscal 2004 fourth quarter ended folktember 25, 2004.For the year 2004, the Company report net income of $276 million on revenue of $8. 28 billion compared to net income of $69 million on revenue of $6. 21 billion in 2003. Their net income has increased 400% Sales to the education market grew 11 percent, bringing its highest quarterly total for that market in seven years. Apple has a strong balance sheet with a lot of bills (CI3), their inventories have almost double compared to the year 2003. Apple short-term debt and long-term debt have been completely paid, which is a very good advantage for the company.Apples drill ratios are very good and improved a lot compared to year 2003. However their ROE and ROI ratios are still low compared to the industry. Income Statement Sep 04 Sep 03 Sep 02 Revenue 8,279. 0 6,207. 0 5,742. 0 Cost of Goods Sold 5,870. 0 4,386. 0 4,021. 0 flagrant Profit 2,409. 0 1,821. 0 1,721. 0 Gross Profit Margin 29. 1% 29. 3% 30. 0% Net Income After Taxes 276. 0 69. 0 65. 0 Balance Sheet Sep 04 Sep 03 Sep 02 Cash 2,969. 0 3,396. 0 2,252. 0 Net Receivables 774. 0 766. 0 565. 0 Inventories 101. 0 56. 0 45. 0 Total water programme pluss 7,055. 0 5,887. 0 5,388. 0 Total Assets 8,050. 6,815. 0 6,298. 0 Accounts Payable 1,451. 0 1,154. 0 911 . 0 short-run Debt 0. 0 304. 0 0. 0 Other up-to-date Liabilities 1,229. 0 899. 0 747. 0 Total Current Liabilities 2,680. 0 2,357. 0 1,658. 0 Long-Term Debt 0. 0 0. 0 316. 0 Total Liabilities 2,974. 0 2,592. 0 2,203. 0 Total Equity 5,076. 0 4,223. 0 4,095. 0 ratios 2004 2003 pains Liquidity dimensions Current proportion 2. 58 2. 89 1. 33 Quick Ratio 2. 3 1. 44 1. 1 Profitability Ratios Gross Profit Margin 29. 47% 27. 52% 20. 43% Net Profit Margin 5. 20% 1. 11% 4. 53% Return on Equity (ROE) 8. 8% 1. 63% 20. 3% Return on investment (ROI) 8. 8% 1. 1% 19. 1% Activity Ratios origin Turnover 56. 2 110. 84 81. 4 Asset Turnover 1. 2 0. 9108 1. 8 Leverage Ratio 1. 62 2. 47 3. ) Research and Development Apple consider that R&D are deprecative for the activity of the company. on that pointfore, they are willing to increase investment in R&D to keep a sustainable agonistic advantage in the industry. concede to the companys Annual Report in 2004 In order to remain agonistical, the Co mpany believes that increased investment in research and development (R&D) is obligatory in order to bind and extend its position in the markets where it competes.The Companys R&D spending is revolve abouted on delivering timely updates and enhancements to its existing line of personal computers, displays, operational systems, software applications and takeout music role players developing new digital modus vivendi consumer and professional software applications and investing in new product areas such as rack-mount servers, RAID storage systems, and wireless technologies. late products are a indispensability in this industry and seems to be a anteriority for Apple. New products are not always a success, though.This might explain why Apple seems to be so hesitant in investing its high money flow into new projects, the company might be afraid by the potential failure of the outcome. (CI3) 4. ) Operation and Logistics Apple heavily rely on third-parties in the manufacturing and logistics sector. Therefore, the companys overall performance is greatly dependent on the performance of its distributors. In order to have more lock over the quality of the purchase experience, Apple has done ceaseless effort to become vertically integrated during these twain passed years.Apple work only with suppliers that meet the criteria from their policy (involve commission to environment, safety and diversity. ) At each period the company performs a detailed review on demand forecasts, inventory, product lifecycle status. 5. ) Human Resources Management (HRM) Apple has over 13,000 employees world wide. Apple believe that employees diversity is a key component for the company success. The company expects that all employee will respect the background or cultural differences of their peers.Apple offer great benefits to its employee such has competitive pay, and compensation, insurance coverage, bonuses, substantial product discount, stock buy and saving/investment pa ttern. The company offers all-level of position such as internship, part-time and entry-level for college student. 6. ) Information Systems Apple has encountered a substantial success by introducing a new digital music device called iPod that can store 1,000 songs and copy a CD in 10 seconds. The continual heavy investment in R&D allowed the company to be on the edge of new technology.Online store distribution channel has been very powerful for the company. V. debone/TOWS digest A. turn out summary Strengths Weaknesses 1. Ease of use 2. Established in the personal computer market3. High Corporate reputation 4. promise over the product (manufacture both(prenominal) the computers themselves and also the direct systems which they run)5. Leader in innovation and product differentiation6. Employee diversity 7. Strategic shackle (HP)8. Joint venture with Pepsi9. substantive sack up management10. Loyal customer install11. Creative style 1. The ease of use has led to some build issues, with some business people regarding the Macintosh as a toy. . High inventory3. Distribution problems4. high prices5. not IBM compatible, though great strides have been made in connectivity the Macintosh is not transparently compatible. 6. Declining touch in educational market7. Too many product lines Opportunities Threats 1. Internet2. ontogenesis industry3. Creating new software markets and selling the hardware into these markets. 4. Demand for innovation5. Employee benefit programs6. Growing educational market (In both higher education and schooling, the Macintosh ease of use and low maintenance cost are attractive. )7. medical specialty downloads from Itune 1.Very intense competition among the industry2. Price competition3. mischief of market voice4. potential drop litigations5. Budget deficits in education6. Technological and prices discontinuity7. Potential increase in supplys costs B. TOWS ANALYSIS SO1. contracting on innovation and product differentiation will contribute to the customers satisfaction (S5, O3, O4)2. The diversity of the employees and the employee benefit programs contribute to the high corporate reputation (S3, S6, O5)3. Joint venture with Pepsi and strategic alliance with HP respond to the demand for music download. S7, S8, O7) WO1. The growing educational market should increase Apples market share in this segment (W6, O6)2. The growing industry should allow the company to decrease prices (W4, O2) ST1. The high corporate reputation might suffer from the potential litigations. (S3, T4)2. sozzled management might overcome the potential litigations. (S9, T4)3. Focus on innovation and product creative style might offset the low prices of competitors. (S11, T1, T2)4. Innovation will depend on the technological -prices conditions and changes. (S5, T6) WT1.The image issues concerning the ease of use of the machine might contribute to the privation of share. (W1, T3)2. The discontinuity in technology and prices might create so me forecasting problems, which could result in excess or shortage of inventory. (W2, W3, T6)3. Competition might take advantage of Apples high price. (W4, T1, T2)4. Apples high price might lower the descend of educational contracts (W4, T5)5. Not being IBM compatible might lead to exit in market share (W5, T3)6. The broad product line might be endangered by the technology and prices discontinuity. (W7, T6) VI. strategical ALTERNATIVES AND RECOMMENDED STRATEGY A. STRATEGIC ALTERNATIVES 1. ) Turnaround The company could s line of longitude the expansion of their own retail segment in order to advance a healthy relationship with its third-party distributor and debar law casing. This strategy would also reduce the risks and costs tied to the stores investment. Apple could use its high cash to implement a product development strategy within the market segment they are currently serving. The company could also keep selling its products at a premium price in order to adjudge the compa nys reputation as an upmarket and innovative brand.PROS O Improve relationship with resellers. (CI2) O Reduce risks O The allocation of the high cash into a product development strategy might ultimately increase the revenue of the company(CI3) O The premium price might be profitable and the upmarket image brand of the company is respected. CONS O No control over the quality of the buying experience procured by the third-party distribution (CI2) O Potential loss of market share because of the premium selling price O Broad product lines might lead to confusion and extra overhead costs. (CI1) 2. ) cave in and propel with CautionIn the Annual Report for 2004, the company saw an increase in revenue and profitability. The introduction of iPod or Itune items have largely contributed to the companys successful year. The retail segment growth has increased the brand awareness of the company but has led to some conflicts with the resellers. This strategy has to be taken with caution becau se Their lower price strategy is allowing the company to attract some non-Mac users. During the mid(prenominal) of this year (2005), the company could consider to primarily rivet on the music segment market and the education segment.Apple could also implement a succession plan for the eventual departure of Steve Jobs. The companys growth strategy has to be taken with caution and compromises with resellers have to be done. PROS O Good financial results O More control over the quality of the buying experience (CI2) O Better brand awareness O Less confusion among core competency. (CI1) O Sufficient cash flow to support the discounted prices. (CI3) CONS O Cannibalization risk is still present (CI2) O The low prices might discredit Apples upscale brand image. 3. ) Vertical GrowthThe company could decide to do a in advance integration, by expanding its own retail store. Apple could use its high cash to finance this investment. The stores are a critical way to leverage Apples brand and s howcase newfangled digital wares to affluent consumers. PROS O Total control over the quality of the buying experience (CI2) O High cash can support the investment for the retail segment (CI3) O Better brand awareness CONS O Dissatisfaction of the resellers(CI2) O Potential loss of revenue due to cannibalization (CI2) O The high cash investment is risky, and might have been allocated in a more safety way. CI3) B. RECOMMENDED STRATEGY Pause and Proceed The last fiscal year has seen improvement for Apple. Profits have increased and the focalise has been on innovation, especially in the music segment market. development the high cash to implement a price strategy appears to be a good humor to compete with the non-Mac users. (CI3) The brand image might slightly suffer from this strategy, thitherfore marketing incentive should be increased in order to sustain Apples reputation for high quality and innovative products. The retail segment growth should be utilise with a lot of cautio n.Apple needs to ease the hassle of the resellers by coming up with programs to encourage these old partners to help it fulfil goals it cant achieve on its own. (CI2) Apple should also primarily focus on the music segment market and the educational segment market in which they have good opportunities. This focus would allow Apple to be more competitive and profitable. (CI1) Least but not Last, the company should prepare a succession plan in response to the eventual departure of Steve Jobs. (CI4) VII. IMPLEMENTATION A. WHO? The top management should narrow their focus to two market segment. B. WHAT?Apples core competency should focus on the music segment market and the educational segment market in which they have good opportunities. (CI1) C. HOW? The company has to invest more into these 2 segments and cut some product lines that are not very profitable to the company. D. WHO? As Steve Jobs initiated, the company should keep counseling on a price strategy E. WHAT? By lowering th e prices, the company will be able to be more competitive and increase market share. F. HOW? The company can use its high cash to support discounted prices. (CI3) G. WHO? The top management should decide to expand the retail store. H. WHAT?Improve the quality of the buying experience by having control over the salesperson and cooperate with the resellers. (CI2) I. HOW? The company can use its high cash to invest in the retail store expansion. The company should also tightly work with the resellers by load-bearing(a) them through programs and bonuses. (CI2) (CI3) J. When? During mid 2005. K. HOW MUCH? The Companys current strong financial condition and low debt-to-equity ratio will provide the means to accomplish these implementation initiatives in the short-term. In the long-term these measures will be well worth the cost in increased revenue and market share.L. WHO? The board of directors and the top management should prepare a succession plan. (CI4) M. WHAT? The company has to de al with Steve Jobs eventual departure. N. HOW? Steve Jobs has to delegate some of his power to the top management and he should also implement some training programs. Tim Cook might be a good potential successor. (CI4) P. WHEN? Right now. VIII. care AND CONTROL A. The companys strong financial position should allow the implementation of the strategies stated above. However the investment related to the retail segment growth is very costly and might be risky.Therefore, the company should O Increase gradually the opening of retail stores. O Assess performance by having Finance and Marketing reviewing the numbers monthly. O have it away and immediately hatch any negative trends The top management should periodically visit stores and gather feedback from line employees. They should also gather feedback from resellers to character expansion issue. B. The companys focus on the music segment market and the education segment market has to be tightly monitored. O glide by management sho uld treasure on a weekly basis overall performance. Revenue, Profit, ROI) O Feedback forms should also be given to customers to accommodate good relations and to spot market trends archaean. whole kit Cited 10-Q for Quarterly Period Ended December 25, 2004 http//www. apple. com/investor/ Apple Governance http//www. apple. com/investor/ Apple Financial compend http//www. hoovers. com/ various Articles on Apple http//www. businessweek. com Leave a reply You moldiness be logged in to post a gossipmonger. VISION STATEMENT Man is the creator of change in this world. As such he should be above systems and structures, and not subordinate to them. Explanation of visionApple lives this vision through the technologies it develops for consumers and corporations. It strives to make its customers masters of the products they have bought. Apple doesnt simply make a statement. It lives it by ensuring that its employees understand the vision and strive to reach it. It has put systems in plac e to enable smooth customer interaction. It has put objectives in place to continuously move forward implemented strategies to fulfil these objectives and ensured that the right marketing, financial and operational structures are in place to apply the strategies. thrill STATEMENT Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software and internet offerings. page 15 of 54 picpicpic The PC effort We can glean Insight into the history and establishment of the PC labor from its eponymous title. In the late 1970s, as Wozniak and Jobs were starting Apple computer, personal computers were an uphill product. The following chart (Reimer) gives an overall view of the major market players since the mid-1970s. PC Share of Market 0% 10% 20% 0% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% hundred%Year 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 Shareof Mark et IBM SOM Apple II SOM Mac SOM Amiga SOM C64 SOM TRS 80 SOM By 1983, the market share of the Apple II fell to 8% while the PC had 26%. Market share of Macintosh peaked at slightly more than 10% in the early 1990s and has since tapered to in the midst of 2-3%. The IBM PC and its re-creates became the standard due to the success of the open nature of the PC. This allows product developers to offer vastly more products for the platform. Some palisade that not licensing the Mac OS was a mistake.Bill render and Microsoft were encouraging Apple to license their OS in the early 1980s, because they were developing software for Apple and had much riding on the success of the company. When Apple did not license, Microsoft began developing their operating system, Windows. (Linzmayer, 169-75, 245-9) page 16 of 54 picpicpic The Online medication Industry While Apple clear dominates the online music industry, the battle for domination is not over. Although digital music sales are gro wing rapidly, the arrangement Industry Association of America (RIAA) states that digital sales direct for only 4% of all music sales. Borland) Analysts at Forrester (Bartiromo) and Gartner (Bruno) validate this. Apples sales are amid 66% and 75% of downloads and 80% of music players. (Bruno) Apple is part to a suit alleging monopolistic practices concerning their market share dominance of players and downloads. (Grundner) The other players in the download market are (the revised) Napster, chawbacon Music, Rhapsody, and illegitimate file- sharing services. Portable music players competing with the iPod include those made by Creative, Samsung, iRiver, and Sony.A major point of heartion between these services and player manufacturers is the control of a variety of incompatible Digital Rights Management (DRM) schemes. The Future of Apple Personal Computers A Shift in scheme Apple has historically taken a removed different path than the traditional Windows and Intel combination. Microsoft provides the Windows operating system to separate downstream hardware producers such as Dell. Apple vertically integrated both the operating system software and hardware completely under Apple.A consumer running Microsoft Windows can choose from a non-finite of systems based on the Intel processor, while a consumer running Apples OS X moldiness purchase Apple hardware. Page 17 of 54 picpicpicpic Apple is adjusting this strategy by migrating their microprocessors from IBM and Motorola PowerPC to Intel. Analysts believe that the Intel-based Macintosh may be able to run Microsoft Windows applications by the end of 2006. (Burrows) In addition to switching processors, Apple positioned their computers as an immediate option for the traditional Microsoft Windows user.With Apple Boot Camp, users may now use Mac OS X or Windows on an Apple computer. (Sutherland) meet 1 Apple Boot Camp Allowing Mac OS X or Windows By allowing users to run Windows on an Intel Mac, Apple reduced th e switching costs for traditional PC users. Apple may steal away customers that are willing to pay a premium for a system that runs both Windows and Mac OS X. Figure 2 IBM PowerPC processor, Intel Processor Core Duo / Pentium M Page 18 of 54 picApple continues to retain a strategic option to license its technology to clone makers such as Dell.Past attempts at licensing Apple technology (to IBM, Gateway, and others) failed on accord of Apples rigid demands. Many technology leaders (such as a 1985 letter by Bill Gates to Apple CEO John Sculley) criticized Apple for keeping a closed architecture. Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak criticizes this strategy, We had the most beautiful operating system, but to get it you had to buy our hardware at twice the price. That was a mistake. (Linzmayer, 245-57) Whether Apple would be willing to watch this shiner of vertical integration is unclear.Although such a move would cannibalize a portion of Apples own hardware sales, it would also provide ro yalty-based revenue that could approach $1 billion annually. (Burrows) Jobs traditionally sided against licensing Apple technology. He referred to Mac clone producers as leeches and he personally killed Power reckon (a Mac clone producer) by terminating their license in 1997. (Linzmayer, 255) Apple in the Living Room Apples iPod and iTunes are a powerful combination that fosters a entanglement style of increasing returns. (Barney, 124) By selling iPods, Apple increases the consumer demand for music from iTunes.By placing more musical choices on iTunes (including less popular songs that appeal to niche audiences), there is more demand for iPods. Apple had 70% of the statutory music download market in early 2005. (Yoffie) Apple is shooting for the digital living room of the future. For example, Apple just passd a boom box portable version of the iPod. This iPod (the iPod Hi-Fi) comes with a remote control. alternatively of forming a strategic alliance, Apple engineered the iPod Hi -Fi and designed it with high-fidelity features. (Burrows) Apple is clearly trying to develop a stronger core competency in the fun area.Page 19 of 54 picpic Figure 3 The Apple Hi-Fi Apple may also discommode an Apple-branded cell phone and iPod combination device by the end of 2006. (Burrows) This product would again position Apple as a second mover responding to medallions Treo and Verizons VCAST technology. Strategic Alliances and frolic Jobs had the early strategic vision to complement computing with photograph entertainment. After founding NeXT, he personally acquired a majority interest in the young moving picture company Pixar in February 1986. (Linzmayer, 219) Jobs went on to invest ? of his personal wealth into Pixar.In 1995, Pixar solidified its position within active exposures with the debut of Toy narration. Grossing $358 million worldwide, it became the 3rd-largest grossing animated word-painting in history. (Linzmayer, 222) After this success, Jobs took Pixar public and negotiated far erupt terms with Disney. Later successes included Toy Story 2, Monsters Inc. , and Finding Nemo. Ironically, Jobs stated in the November 23, 1998Business Week, I imply Pixar has the opportunity to be the next Disney not replace Disney but be the next Disney. (Linzmayer, 222-4) The alliance between Pixar and Disney has remendous potential for economies of celestial orbit. As CEO of Apple and Disneys largest shareholder, Jobs is the strategic link between Disney, Page 20 of 54 picpic Apple, and Pixar. Opportunities include combining the animated movie expertise of Disney and Pixar, as well as sharing the content of Disneys ABC or ESPN networks over Apples digital offerings. (Burrows, Grover, and Green) A current example of the fusion between Disney, Jobs, Apple, and technology is goggle box on the iPod. Disneys Desperate Housewives was one of the first television programs available for purchase and download to the newer video-enabled iPod.There are co ncerns about whether these synergies will come to fruition. There are awes that the personality and style of Jobs may conflict with Disney, and that Disney CEO Iger could be Amelioed driven out of office by Jobs in a manner similar to how Jobs horde Amelio out of the CEO post at Apple. (Burrows, Grover, and Green) EXTERNAL ANALYSIS Technological Environment Brand sentience Style at a Premium Apples products are trendy and stylish. After Jobs returned in 1997, Apple retained designer Jonathan Ive to differentiate their computers from the ordinary beige box.Ives design of the iMac included clear colorful cases that distinguished Apple computers. (Linzmayer, 295-6) Apples iPod (with the trademark white ear buds and simple cover up wheel) commands a 15%-20% premium over other MP3 players. (Yoffie) Apple and Pixar limit the number of computer products and movies that they sell. Product differentiation with focused quality and style also extend to the Jobs Pixar Pixars executives focus on making sure there are no B teams, that every movie gets the best efforts of Pixars brainy staff of animators, storytellers, and technologists. (Burrows, Grover, and Green) Page 21 of 54 picpicpicpicpic Figure 4 The stylish Design of the iMac and Mac miniskirt Apple positions its Macintosh computers as higher quality and higher price. HP, Dell, and other PC manufacturers are pricing many systems under the $1,000 threshold. Apple is struggling to meet demand for its new MacBook Pro laptop despite a $1,900 price tag that is nearly twice that of garden-variety checks. (Burrows) Apple has only recently entered the low-end (below $500) consumer market with the Mac Mini. Although the Mac Mini is a base present with few features, it comes incase in a very small and classifiable package.Apple portrays this computer as Small is Beautiful. (Apple) Likewise, the iPod coalesce was Apples first entry into the lower-end ($ carbon range) of flash- memory-based portable music players . Interoperability Although Apple competes directly with Microsoft for operating systems, the release of iTunes for Windows in 2002 was a key strategic move. This decision expanded the potential customer base to nearly all personal computer owners, even though Apple only has 2%-3% of all personal computer sales. (Yoffie) Conversely, Apple depends on Microsoft for a version of Microsoft Office.As the most widely used office suite of applications, Macintosh users rely on Office to correspond with companies that standardized on Windows. This is from a strategic alliance between Apple and Microsoft after Jobs returned in 1997. (Linzmayer, 290) Page 22 of 54 picpicpic Apples iTunes service has a technological hook (asset specificity) to Apples iPod. Although versions of iTunes exist for both Apple and Microsoft operating systems, the iTunes AAC file format prevents other portable music players (such as iRiver or Samsung) from playing purchased songs. (Yoffie) Technology and the Digital m odus vivendiApple not only dominates the music player market, its iLife suite provides consumers with easy-to-use software for music and video composition. With podcast a household word, Apples Garage quite a little application makes the recording of podcasts and music very easy. (Boddie) Figure 5 The GarageBand Music and Podcast Application Page 23 of 54 picpic Regulatory Environment While introducing new technologies, there is a persistent threat of level-headed action by competitors. For example, Apple sued Microsoft in 1988 (settled in 1997 for an undisclosed amount) for perceived similarities between Microsoft Windows and Macintosh audiovisual aid works. Linzmayer, 172-4) Microsoft has generally been the focus for government antitrust charges (such as U. S. v. Microsoft) (US DOJ, 2006). Both federal and state governments assert that Microsofts dominance blocked fair competition within the software industry. This is an advantage for Apple, because its operating systems are a v iable substitute for Windows. Furthermore, Microsofts continued support for Office for Macintosh reduces the perceived level of market monopoly and abuse. (Linzmayer, 290-1) Manufacturers will continue to trespass on Apples intellectual property.For example, the company tex9 released an open source music program called xtunes that was very similar to iTunes. In 2002, Apple took healthy action against tex9, who then altered the program and renamed it sumi (pronounced, sue me). (Linzmayer, 300) Legal threats can place from somewhat unusual sources. Apple Corps Ltd. is the London-based company that owns the rights to the music of the Beatles. Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr recently sued Apple over the use of the Apple logo in iTunes, claiming that it violate Apples agreement not to produce music under an apple-based logo. Associated Press) Research and development is a key component to Apples prolong competitive advantage. Apple is currently taking legal action against several pop ular technical web sites for releasing proprietary product research. Sites such as appleinsider. com have allegedly posted verbatim content from memorials protected by employee non-disclosure agreements. Page 24 of 54 picpicpic (McCullagh) Release of critical insider information could give Apples competitors a jump in producing rival products. Industry abbreviation victimisation Porters Five Forces positionApple operates in two primary industries Computing Hardware and Software Delivery of pastime and Media Apple has always been under intense competition within the computer, software, and entertainment industries. Looking to 2005 Every time that Apple had jumped into the lead in a product family line during the past two decades, it had had difficulty in sustaining its leadership position. (Yoffie) We use Porters Five Forces Model to understand why Apples industries are so competitive. Figure 6 Porters Five Forces Model Page 25 of 54 Threat of New Entrants Bargaining ower o f Suppliers Threat of Substitutes Bargaining power of Buyers Level of Threat in an Industry picpic Figure 7 Summary of Industry Threats (Computer Equipment and Entertainment Distribution) Type and Severity of Threat Organization Examples main course High Threat Verizon Streaming audio and video with V CAST. virago On demand online services to purchase music (similar to iTunes). Google They make everything. The Next Google New entrants with disruptive technology. Rivalry High Threat Microsoft Windows operating(a) System, Windows Media Player for playing music and video.Linux Competition to Mac OS X Operating System. Napster, Rhapsody Online music sources alternatives to iTunes Music Store. Dell, HP, Lenovo Alternate sources for computer hardware. iRiver, Samsung, Creative Small, stylish MP3 Players. DreamWorks airy movies. YouTube. com Online video. Substitutes hold back Threat XM, Sirius Satellite Radio for music. XBox, PS2 Entertainment Media, Media and Music. Various Intern et Streaming Radio and Podcasts. Music CDs, DVD- Audio and SuperAudio CD Alternative means to acquire music. Broadcast, Cable, Satellite, NetFlix, TiVo, TheatresAlternative sources for video. Suppliers High Threat Motorola, IBM, Intel, Samsung Suppliers of Processors and computer memory. Microsoft Strategic Alliance / Supplier of Office for Mac. The Big Five BMG, EMI, Sony, Universal, and Warner Sources of music. Will they raise prices and break the sawhorse per song model? Some in the record industry resent Apples distribution model. Apple reaps billions from selling its hit music player, but there are sparse profits from the songs being sold over the Net. (Burrows, Grover, and Green) Disney, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, Pixar, SonySuppliers of Television and Movies. Will they sign exclusive contracts with other online services? Note that this threat is reduced for Disney / Pixar. Buyers Moderate Threat Consumers and Illegal peer-to-peer file sharing Consumers share music using peer-t o-peer networks without paying for music. Distributors Apple retailers may pressure for lower prices or better terms. For example, the release of the Apple Store in 2001 infuriated longtime(prenominal) independent Apple retailers that didnt appreciate Cupertino cannibalizing their sales. (Linzmayer, 300) Consumer Attitudes and BehaviorsConsumers or businesses may reduce spending on personal computers or non-essential (potentially high elasticity of demand) music players if they fear economic downturns. Consumer Refresh Consumers and businesses may continue to use previous-model iPods and Page 26 of 54 picpic Cycles Macs rather than levy to current iPods, iMacs, or OS Page 27 of 54 picThe total industry threat for the industry space that Apple occupies (computer equipment and distribution of entertainment) is a high threat industry. Apple must continue to pursue product differentiation (i. e. he style and ease-of-use of an iPod) and economies of scope (i. e. offering ABC television shows on iTunes) to maintain their sustained competitive advantage in this industry. Which External Threats are Most Significant Computer Hardware and Software Open Source software such as the Linux Operating System and Open Office applications threaten both Apple and Microsoft. The low (often, free) cost of the software may allow it to overtake Apple and Microsoft, especially in developing markets such as China. Music Products Major online retailers such as virago are considering entry into the online music market.With a wide internet presence and a household name, Amazon could present a formidable challenge to Apple. If the major record labels (Universal, Sony BMG, EMI, and Warner) negotiate better terms with new competitors to iTunes, Apple may be unable to provide some of the music content that they currently offer. The major music labels dislike Apples dollar per song pricing. They would prefer to earn higher profits with variable pricing. (Wingfield) With variable pricing, the most popular songs would be greater than $1, and less popular songs would be less than $1.Although the labels recently renewed their contracts with Apple, there may be provisions that allow future changes in the pricing model. (Wingfield and Smith) Suppliers The recent shift to Intel processors could present a significant threat to Apple. With only two companies (Intel and AMD) producing Intel-compatible processors, there is a strong potential for tacit connivance and oligopoly power between these suppliers. Apple buying must now directly compete with HP, Lenovo, and Dell. If shortages or Page 28 of 54 picpic exclusive agreements materialize, Apple could face problems with obtaining raw materials.Apple should consider additional sources such as Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). Figure 8 central processing unit Market Share Additional External Threats auspices Apple software, like all large software products, has security vulnerabilities that hackers may exploit. A significant expl oitation in the future could damage many businesses and households using Apple computers. This would affect future customer purchasing decisions. Apple enjoys a competitive advantage, because their OS X is mature and stable due to its basis on BSD Unix. In fact, computer security folks back at FBI HQ use Macs running OS X. (Granneman) Page 29 of 54 picpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicpicAds by Google excuse Whitepaper Gain competitive advantage using predictive analytics www. sas. com/uk/retail SPSS predictive Analytics Learn To put on Predictive Analytics In This large-minded SPSS White Paper. www. cognos. com/SPSS_analytics chock up Analysis Diagrams Easy SWOT Diagram Software See Examples. Free Download www. SmartDraw. com picpicpicpicpicpicA Strategic Analysis of Apple Corporation DownloadPrintMobileCollectionsReport Document Report this catalogue? Please tell us reason(s) for reporting this document Top of hol d pic pic picSpam or junk picPorn cock-a-hoop content picHateful or offensive If you are the right of first publication owner of this document and want to report it, disport follow these directions to submit a copyright onslaught notice. picCancel diffuse of assortment This is a private document. pic Info and Rating Reads 46,219 pic Uploaded 02/09/2009 Category School Work Rated picpicpicpicpic(28 Ratings) course information emailprotected com inc analyse strategy summary macintosh computers organisational objective (more tags) course information emailprotected com inc analyse strategy summary macintosh computers organisational objective avac strategic control business activities term strategy industries case profitibility economic relative ideas (fewer) Follow mahantesh123 picpicpicpicpicpicpicpicSections show allcollapse prev next decision maker SUMMARY HISTORY OF APPLE The PC Industry The Online Music Industry The Future of Apple Apple in the Living Room EXTERNAL A NALYSIS Technological Environment Interoperability Technology and the Digital Lifestyle Regulatory Environment Industry Analysis Using Porters Five Forces Model SWOT Analysis Threats Financial Analysis Stock Price Performance Profitability Measures Product Unit Sales 2002 Product Sales 2005 Product Sales Strategy Product Differentiation Strategic Alliances picShare & Embed link Documents PreviousNext 1. pic21 p. pic18 p. pic18 p. 2. picp. picp. picp. 3. pic33 p. pic48 p. pic48 p. 4. picp. pic20 p. pic24 p. 5. pic7 p. pic20 p. pic4 p. 6. pic23 p. picp. picp. 7. pic1 p. pic60 p. pic1 p. 8. pic2 p. pic4 p. pic41 p. 9. pic1 p. pic1 p. pic45 p. 10. picp. pic3 p. pic3 p. 11. pic4 p. pic1 p. pic1 p. 12. pic1 p. picp. pic7 p. 13. pic19 p. picp. pic860 p. 14. pic5 p. pic1 p. pic17 p. 15. pic24 p. pic35 p. picMore from this user PreviousNext 1. pic26 p. pic4 p. pic3 p. 2. pic3 p. pic2 p. pic76 p. 3. pic29 p. pic25 p. pic6 p. 4. pic61 p. pic54 p. pic16 p. 5. pic121 p. pic121 p . pic4 p. 6. pic25 p. pic43 p. pic14 p. 7. pic5 p. pic7 p. pic43 p. 8. pic12 p. pic18 p. pic18 p. 9. pic31 p. picRecent Readcasters Add a Comment Top of work out pic pic Submit Characters 400 pic pic Bottom of Form 0137984613 left a comment iryani_70 03 / 13 / 2010 solution natasha light speed left a comment awesum report-thanx -but just tel me how 2 download it? 03 / 02 / 2010 do queenouchka left a comment great report, please how to download? 02 / 24 / 2010 Reply BrianCMasi left a comment is development thank for this.Your work helped guide me in completing my abbreviation of the company. 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